Chapter 1- I Miss You

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Kriss's POV

Summer passed like a big blur. Pete and I didn't contact, talk, or hang out like I'd hoped. Months of not seeing and talking to him made me miss him.

Sometimes at night I lay awake with a question lingering in my mind: What if he didn't contact me or anything because he didn't like me anymore?

Well, in my opinion, it's quite possible. A lot can happen over the summer, including his feelings for me. He might have met another girl and fell in love with her, right? Half of me was rest assured that nothing like that happened, while the other half was worried.

But I didn't feel lonely about it. Charlie was always my comapany. And I was not really bothered about Pete not contacting me with Charlie around. Almost everyday we hung out at the park, the mall, or some restaurants, but Janine rarely came with us. She was busy mostly with the choir thingy with Kaylie and the other members. They always talked about it as if it was the most exciting thing in the world. I'm just happy Charlie was always here when I got bored or lonely.

But today, I would be able to see Pete's smiling face again. We would be talking to each other and be back to normal just like last time.

But I wasn't lucky. I was so far from where he was seated. The teacher had set the seating arrangement, and she said it would be permanent. So scratch the part where he and I would laugh and laugh like last year. But that doesn't mean we won't be talking to each other again, right?

I was wrong again. A week passed and we didn't exchanged a single word. Now I was really worrying whether he liked another girl. As the weeks came and went I felt myself feeling more hopeless. Pete and I aren't going to talk to each other-- it would stay like this for the rest of the year. Soon it seems like Pete and I didn't even know each other. The whole "Krete" thing was gone. Hoping for him to talk to me wasn't going to change anything, and it seems like Pete and I just drifted away. But that also didn't mean my feelings were washed away for him. In fact, it seemed as if the feeling just got stronger.

Whenever I would make the effort to at least utter a single "hello" or "hi" or even a short conversation, he was always surrounded by a bunch of the basketball members, and I would turn my back from him and walk away. From the looks of it, he wasn't missing me like the way I do about him. When we crossed each others paths, we didn't make eye contact-- or even look at each others' faces. And his face was always merry and happy, like I was never in his life. Like he thought I was gone.

After a month of so with things being like this, I had, of course, gotten used to it. I had gotten used to him not minding me, not talking to me. Like I said, we just sort of drifted away. But the feelings never did.

The good thing, though, is that Charlie was my seatmate.

"Kriss, I've missed you so much!" He greeted, giving me a soft hug.

I laughed heartily. "But we just went to the park together a few days ago!"

"Yeah, I know. But I still miss you."

"By the way, you left you hankerchief when we were at the park. I forgot to give it to you."

"Oh right. Thanks. Which reminds me, d'you wanna go to the movies? Tonight, after school?" He asked me hopefully.

I was surprised. The movies? Oh I don't know, to be honest. Is he like asking me out in a date? Doesn't couples usually go to movies for their first time dates or something? And if Pete would see us or something....

Who am I kidding? What does he care about me? He hasn't spoken to me since the last few weeks of 2nd year high school.

"Oh, sure, I can go. Have to ask my parents first, of course. One question: this isn't a date, right?"

His eyes were screaming: "Not unless you want it to be." And I was worried that I might have hurt his feelings, but he just gave me a smile and a small laugh.

" 'Course not. We're going there as best friends, Kriss. If you're worried about Pete seeing us together, he'll know that we're nothing but best friends."

I agreed with him.

"Right. Of course. What are we watching?"

"Hmm...What about Guardians of the Galaxy?" He suggested.

Well....I guess.

"Okay. Sure."

Renee's POV

"Renee, hurry up!" Kate, one of my best friends, complained.

"Just wait! My face has to be perfect," I answered, putting my final touch of make up to my face.

"Why? It's not like Pete's gonna be there or something," Lily reasoned out. All my three best friends very well know that I like Pete a lot. It's just too bad that he likes that loser Kriss. What does he see in her, anyway? Smarty- pants nerd?

"When in public, what you wear, what you look like, should be PERFECT."

"Yeah, she's right," Jessica told them. Jessica and I mostly get along the most, probably because she and I are the most conscious of what we look like. Just like me, she too, was perfecting herself up.

"Hey, guys? What do you think suits my shirt best, this emerald earing or the ruby ones?" Jessica asked, holding up for us to see.

"Any," Kate carelessy answered. "Faster, please, guys! We might not be able to get tickets for the movies!"

"Both of them's okay," Lily shrugged.

"Relax, Kate. I'm sure there's enough tickets to the movie 'Two Night Stand' ," I said to her, checking myself in the mirror to see some imperfections with the clothes I chose to wear. When I was satisfied, I grabbed my expensive limited edition red Prada bag, and we hurried to the mall to buy tickets.

"The emerald ones. Not only do they match your shirt, it's the same color as your eyes. It's perfect," I replied in a know-it-all voice. Not only do I have great sense of style, I'm also the prettiest among my friends. With my staright, blond hair, fair complexion, tall and a perfect body, I could easily be a model.

"Emerald it is."

I tapped my foot impatiently.

"Miss, could I have the tickets now?" I asked meanly.

"Y-yes, ma'am," She stammered before handing me the tickets with trmebling hands. Pathetic.

When we were about to go to the movie house, something caught my eye. I stifled a gasp.

Well, well, if it isn't Miss Kriss and her so-called best friend, Charlie. Everyone thinks they're a couple, and when I say everyone like literally everyone. Even I do...I mean hello!? How many times have students seen them hung out alone at a restaurant, park, or at a mall? Loads of times, like seriously. I looked at the sign, they were heading for thr movie "Guardians of the Galaxy". A plan formed quickly in my mind.

I stopped walking and the three of them stopped.

"What is it?" Jessica asked.

"Looks like we're gonna watch a different movie, girls," I informed them.

"What? Why?" Lily asked.

"Be quiet and let's hurry," I hissed and they fell silent and followed me behind.

When we bought the tickets for the second time, we went into the movie house.

I wasn't even paying attention to the movie. Seriously, it wasn't nice. To me, anyway. I'm so lucky that the seats I got were very near to that loser Kriss's

They were practically right behind us. From time to time I sneaked a glance at them, looking for the right time to put my plan in action.

When I looked at them, I knew it was time.

"Perfect," I thought as an evil smile came to my lips. I brought out my phone and quickly snapped a photo of them-- without them knowing, of course.

When I had the perfect photo, I slumped back into the comfy chair, satisfied.

(Author's Note
So guys, 1st chapter good so far? What do you think her plan is? Will it work? Stay updated to know! Thanks for reading:)

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