Chapter 3- Pete and Renee

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Kriss's POV

"Yeah, Charlie, I know right--" I started.

"Ahem," Came an exaggerated girlish voice. I chose to ignore it. I didn't want to talk to her right now.

"Remember the time--" I started again.

"AHEM," She said it a lot louder. Is she trying to copy Umbridge? If yes, then she's doing a good job. I sighed in frustration and turned to her.

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

"Hi Kriss!" Renee greeted, her voice dripping with fake sweetness.

"What do you want?" I repeated. Her big smiley face didn't falter. If anything, she smiled, no, grinned, even wider.

"I was wondering....Could we talk?" She asked, her eyes moving to Charlie. "Privately?"

"Why? Is it....a secret you don't want anyone to know?" I smirked.

"No," She snapped. "I'm just clearly trying to save you from embarrassment. If you don't want, that's fine with me. So. Private or not?"

She got me interested, I don't know why....

I looked at for permission and he nodded. I walked with Renee.

When we came to and emty part of the school, she sneered at me.

"Guess what, Loser Kriss?" She smirked. "I've got a DATE with Pete."

"You expect me to believe that shit?"

"Sure..." She crooned. "Deny it all you want, Loser Kriss, but I'll prove you wrong. Go to Anthes, 6:30, this Friday. I hope you'll handle it well," Her voice was on the edge of meanness and sarcasticness. She gave me a look of smug before walking away, her high heeled shoes and the way she walks making her look like a weirdo.

I was left wondering whether she was truthful about it or was just trying to freak me out.

Soon I was back with Charlie.

"What was it about?" He asked, concerned. I didn't really want him to know about it.

"Oh," I said, trying to make up a story as fast as I can. "She was just boasting about how she'll beat me on academics. You know...grades and stuff. She's desperate for attention," I lied.

That made him laugh. "HER? Beat you on academics? I'd love to see her try, that Renee! You're one of the top of our class and she's....well, somewhere at the bottom...."

I laughed with him, but couldn't get the bothering feeling out of me. I just....Renee? Date with Pete?

But what if I go there, and it just turns out to be a trap? A plan to humiliate me?

But curiousity got the best of me. I just HAD to go and see for myself.

As for now, I patiently wait for tomorrow to come...To see if she's telling the truth.

Pete's POV

"Renee, what the hell are you doing?" I said, annoyed. "Stop holding my hand!"

"For now we are..." Renee told me, giving me a flirty smile. I ignored it. She stopped holding my hand, which I'm so glad for.

"Ahh, young love," The waitress in charge of the reservations said. Renee give me a look of I-told-you-so to me.

"We aren't a couple!" I said, as if I've been trying to tell people for the hundredth time. The waitress looked startled, then showed us to our table.

"You're paying for that, Renee," I grumbled, when I saw how expensive all the dishes were.

"Oh, of course! Listen, Pete, have you seen how close Charlie and Kriss are lately? They're such a cute couple, perfect for each other!"

"They aren't a couple," I was surprised to hear that from myself. For so long I'd thought they're a couple. Amd I guess they are.

"But the hugs Charlie gives Kriss! So sweet! Why can't we be like that, Pete?" She asked with that same girly exaggerated voice.

"Because I don't like you and I'm not your boyfriend," I shot back.

"Yeah, but we COULD be," She smiled sweetly.

"Whatever, Renee. Let's just get this dinner over with," I muttered.

After I said that she didn't say anything more.

"Hold on. Renee, you ARE trying to break Kriss and Charlie apart, aren't you?" I asked suspiciously.

"Of course! We made a deal, rememebr? I've put my plan in action, but...the effect isn't going well!" She said. I narrowed eyes.

"But I AM doing everything! I promise! I'm going to break them apart. Soon," She added quickly.
Kriss's POV

I walked nervously to the restaurant.

"Miss, do you have a reservation?" The waitress standing outside asked.

" I'm just here to...look. Look if my....friend...I mean...I'm here to...spy in my besst friend's date!" I blurted out. Wow, best exuse I've ever come up of!

She nodded her head slowly. "Ahh...I see....?" She said then ignored me, attending to the other customers.

I pressed my face to the glass of the restaurant, squinting and looking at every direction for any sign of Pete or Renee.

When I saw the long blond hair, I stopped examining the room and fixed on her. Her facial features were familiar and alike Renee....but I can't really tell since they're so far. But then--

The girl's face gave me a smirk and a mean smile. And looked at me smugly.

Yep. No doubt. That's her. And that's Pete. I'm sure of it. Aaaaand. They're on a date. She wasn't lying, after all.

But something's fishy. It's just not right....Renee is...well, yeah sure, she's pretty, but can a guy just stand her flirty attitude and that plastic attitude? And the way she brags? Her voice? Her know-it-all aura? Thinking that she's the queen bee? Thinking that everyone should respect her? Being such a snob to people who aren't "cool"? No, wait...that's an understatement. She's not snobby....She doesn't ignore people....She's just downright bitchy and mean.

And knowing Pete, he hated people who flirted a lot. He disliked girls like Renee. And usually I would hear him complain about Renee this and Renee that. So....probably it's a forced date? Is it a dare? Something is definitely wrong.

And I'm going to know the bottom of this.

(Author's Note
Hello guys! so whaddya think of this chapter? Sory if it isn't so interesting...The next ones will be more exciting =)

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