Chapter 19- Daydreaming

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Janine's POV

Today, I don't feel sick anymore. Actually, I feel better than ever! So I decided to go to school. I entered the classroom and-

"JANINE!" The gang screamed.

"How are you?" Jane asked.

"Are you feeling better?" Danielle asked.

"You missed so much!" Jade stated.

I Iaughed. "I'm fine girls."

"You missed something really juicy." Kaylid told me excitedly and the others nodded there heads in excitement. I was about to ask what it was when the teacher arrived.

"Attention!" Everyone turned to Mrs Ellen.

"The audition for the roles begins now!" She announced.

"I am so going to audition for Cinderella. I don't want to be Mrs. Baker even though she is the main role. I want Cinderella cuz hello?! Blonde hair and good looks! I am the complete package!" I hear Renee bragged to her wannabes.

"Yeah except when you get it, which I highly doubt, you would play as a POOR girl. And by the way, comparing you to Cinderella, SHE is the complete package. Beauty AND GOOD ATTITUDE. Unlike a peice of garbage like you." I heard Jane retort. I laughed a little to what she said. I heard Kaylie laughed silently.

"Who asked your opinion weirdo? You're just jealous that I'm more beautiful than you." Renee snapped.

"As if, you fat faced Bish." Jane retorted. The next thing I knew, they were arguing. I heard a teacher silence them and told them to stop.

"Those who will audition for Cinderella, go to the first row, please!" Mrs. Ellen announced.

Me, Renee, and some other girls walked our way to the assigned row. Renee was first. She flipped her hair, stood, and walked confidently on stage. Then, she began singing "Fabulous" by Sharpay from high school musical.

She doesn't fit to be Cinderella. Though I gotta say she has a nice voice, but not Cinderella. A big no no. I think she would fit to be one of the step sisters.

"Who's next?" I stood up, went to the stage, and began singing.

Charlie's POV

"Bye Kriss!" I said and went inside.

"Mom! I'm home!" I called out. No answer.

"Mom! I'm home!" I repeated. "Mom?" I called out and went to her room. She was there, by her bed, crying.

I quickly ran to her. "Mom! Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? What happened?" I panicked.

She raised her head to me and spoke the words that I hated the most. My head was spinning. My body weakened that I drop myself to the floor. My grandmother died. This can't be happening. I am very close to her. We were supposed to visit her this summer. Now I will never see her again. A tear fell from my eye.

"Cancer got to her and she finally gave in. At least we know she's in a better place now. And that she could finally meet your grandfather. We will be going to the Philippines for her funeral. I already told the principal. I also told her not to tell it to anyone else. We will be going this Monday." She said and came closer to me and hugged me.

More tears fell, and after a while, I regained myself. I shouldn't be this sad, my grandmother wouldn't want me to just keep crying.

My problem now am I going to tell Kriss?


Kriss's POV

"So, I watched this really funny video and I really laughed. You see, there's this guy who who's walking around carelessly then a girl surprised him and screamed like a girl!" I laughed.

"Ha ha." He faked laugh. Why is he acting so weird today? He looks like he hasn't been been sleeping in days. Though I shrugged it off, maybe it was because he is just tired. So I didn't bother to ask him.
I placed my lunch box on the near edge of an empty table we found.

"KRISS! MEOW!" Raymond pushed me out of nowhere which I accidently pushed my lunch box off the table with me and it falling. A grip held me.

"Kriss, are you okay?" Pete asked, eyeing Charlie, as if it was his fault.

I fixed my uniform. "Yah, thanks Pete." I smiled. He picked up my lunch box and handed it out to me.

I was about to get it then he quickly hid it behind his back. He smirked. "Come and get it." He teased and began running.

"Hey! Come back here!" I called out and ran after him. We kept running and running around while laughing. He finally stopped and faced me. "I give up!" He laughed.

I laughed and walked to him. I quickly snatched my lunch box. "I believe this is mine."

"I believe so too." He said and we laughed again.

"I gotta say, it's nice playing around with you again, Pete." I said truthfully and grinned.

"Me too." He smiled.

I hid a blush. Its been a long time since I've talked and played with him this much. We kept on talking while walking back to the canteen.

"I gotta go back to Charlie. Talk to you later." I said and looked at Charlie from nearby. He seemed lonely, but didn't even notice that I was gone.

"Yeah, sure." He answered, his smile wearing off, and walked away.

"Did I really surprise you?" Raymond asked out of nowhere, which startled me a little.

I laughed. "Yeah. That was a good one. I'm glad you did that." I said and messed with his hair.

"Meow." He said and ran away.

I really am glad that he did that. I got to play and talk with Pete like old times. I went over to Charlie and it's table.

"So, were you able to get your lunch box back?" He asked.

I smiled. "Yeah." I sat down and began eating, still daydreaming of what happened.

(Hey guys! Sorry for a very late update! Hope you aren't mad at us! Yay! Kriss and Pete finally talked to each other again! PARTAY! Please vote and comment. Stay updated! <3 )

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