Chapter 6- Diary Entry of the Day

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Janine's POV

I don't know what to think when Christian told me those things yesterday. Should I be happy? Sad? Mad? I didn't know how to react! And....I didn't get to investigate. I'll just do it some other time when I decide to borrow some books from him again.

I waited by the main entrance for Kriss. Then something caught my attention.

"I heard they had a date in the Anthes the other night." One of the girls, Chloe, I think, said.

"Who?" Miranda, the other girl, asked.

"Duh? Pete and Renee! I mean, we all know that Renee is, like, so obsessed with Pete. She's crazy about him! So...I guess he finally gave in to her." Chloe explained to Miranda.

"But what about Kriss? I thought Pete likes her very much?" Miranda asked questioningly.

"I don't know. Maybe he tried to ask her out then she rejected him so that's why he moved on to Renee." Chloe concluded.

Miranda nodded her head. "Yah.....maybe." Then, abruptly, Chloe's head jerked towards me and the others followed. My face burned, they had caught me eavesdropping! Instantly they gave me a look that clearly says "Stalker alert!".

I laughed nervously. "Shit's about to go down!" I acted out. I used what Jane always say when things get horrible.

They rolled their eyes and scurried away, probably now talking about me.

I could catch a few words like "Kriss's best friend", "Charlie replaced her", and "wonder what happened".

I ignored the painful feeling. It was kinda true Charlie replaced me anyway. I shook the thought away. That doesn't really matter right now.

But really? Pete and Renee went on a date? Is this some kind of joke? What have I have been missing? Does Kriss even know about this? Should she know about this? I kept thinking about this and soon, Kriss's car came to the view. After parking, she quickly went out and headed straight to me.

"Hey Kriss! You're a little late than usual, what's up?" I asked.

She shifted her gaze and her body. "I just happen to take a bath longer than usual. You know, problems with the shampoo and stuff...." She lied. Totally lying. But I don't want to push her, so I'll just let it slide for now.

"Students!" The principal's voice came through the microphone. Everyone in the auditorium quieted down.

"I happily inform the 9th graders that there will be a...PROM." The larger room was filled with cheering and talks. "Reply slips for more information will be given later before dismissal."

"And I have another anouncement to make." Everyone became silent again. "The students in all grade levels who passed the 55th anniversary choir audition, first rehearsal starts this Thursday. At exactly 8:30, go and wait by the lobby, and each grade level will have their respective teacher to lead them to the school church by the kindergarten department at the other side. That's all for now, thank you." Ms. Smith ended the announcement.


Kaylie, Jane, and Jade quickly made their way to me. "Oh my God, Janine! We can finally practice for the 55th anniversary choir!" Kaylie squealed. We all squealed together.

"Let's quickly audition for the play so that we can get some of the main roles." Jade suggested excitedly.

Jane clapped her hands excitedly. "Yasss!" We kept on squealing. Then interrupted by none other than the ambitchous Renee.

"Didn't you remember what I said? The main role is mine! Whatever the play is, the main role's mine! So don't even think about it." She threatened.

Kaylie scoffed. "We don't care what role you get, we just said at least we can get get some of the main roles, it's a play by the way, not an action packed movie."

Renee glared at us and walked away. Thank God she didn't flick her hair. Then she flicked her hair finding her wannabes. I guess I just spoke to soon.

"The prom!!!" Kriss sqealed joining in our conversation. Kaylie lit up, remembering it. Jane and Jade too.

"Oh right I forgot about that! I'm also super excited for that! Though I don't know what to wear and who will be my date." I said dreamily.

"That's all right! We got a whole school year to think of that! See? We got a lot of time!" Kriss said. Then the five of us continued to talk about it until recess ended.

None of us asked Kriss in who her date will be, Charlie or Pete; the air would become tense and awkward.


Before going to bed, I took out my diary from my drawer. Yes, I decided to have a diary, so that when I grow up, I could read this diary and look back to the memories I wrote on this diary. It's just hard to keep all your emotions to your tiny brain, you know? So I decided I could write everything on it to cool myself down. The past summer I have been writing everything that happened last school year. So, yeah. I took out a pen and started writing. I flipped through the pages with my neat handwriting and wrote on a blank page.

November 11, 2014

Dear diary,
Today was a day full of exciting announcements. First, Ms. Smith finally announced some of the details for 55th anniversary choir! You know, the one I auditioned for last school year. I sang "On My Own" from 'Les Miserables'. I'm not sure if I made a mistake or something anyway, but so cool! There's a play and I'm hoping to get a role, and I'm also wishing that that ambitchious Renee won't. She just doesn't deserve it.

Second, there will be prom at the end of the school year! I know right!? Soooo exciting! Though I don't know what to wear nor who to ask as my prom date. Kriss says it's gonna be alright, I've got a whole school year to think about it. Sercetly, I seriously hoping Pete'll be my date. And yes, I still like him. The feelings never wahsed away. But impossible, right? I know he's crazy for Kriss....

Speaking of Kriss, I overheard something that really really surprised me. It's about Pete. He and Renee went on a date! You know Renee, the scandalous bitch. This soo sudden, because I know Pete will never do something like that to hurt Kriss. He's crazy for her! Renee must be up to something! Wait wait wait! First Charlie then Renee!? I have a bad feeling about this! Both of them must be planning something, or, even working together to........break Kriss apart!? Or probably something even more horrible! Maybe Renee and Charlie are planning to make Kriss and Pete turn against each other?! I've got to investigate very soon.

I guess my diary entry for the day ends here. See you soon diary!

(Author's Note
And it ends for this chapter! Sorry if it was a late update but I hope you enjoyed it! Pls vote and comment! Stay updated for more chapters to follow!=))))))

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