Chapter 1

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~Felix's POV~

Prologue to my first diary???? ( *>ω<*)

Okay, so...

Writing a diary about my roommate is kind of a weird thing, I'll be honest. But sometimes, I feel like I just need to write down some of the things that he does in order to keep my sanity. Or...I guess, in a less dramatic way of saying it...remember that these are weird things that he actually did.

I mean, I had my weird quirks too, but...not as bad as him.

So...I've decided to keep a diary. Of things he's done. Maybe I won't always write what he does in it, but...

Maybe any weird things he does in a day.

I mean, not that I could really blame him. I had my own weird things about him.

But...I we go.

My Day 1 of writing about Hyunjin hyung. (I'm nervous!) (* ≧∀≦ *)

Sometimes, it was hard to not just stare at Hyunjin.

Sometimes, it was because he was the handsomest man I'd ever seen.

Sometimes, it was because he stared back at me.

And other times, it was because he was acting weird.

And usually, it was those other times that I stared at him for.

And admittedly, it had become a habit. The moment that the alpha comes out of his bedroom, I would pick up on it and just stare at him. Like one day he would just never notice me sitting on the couch and would slip up. Show me what he's up to. Do something.

But he never did. The alpha was, though I was shocked to say it, just plain weird. He didn't have any secrets, and he was safe. He was good to me.

Even if he weirded me out every day and gave off several red flags.

Though that could just be me as a single young omega living with a single older alpha.

And I mean, being a twenty seven year old alpha and still needing a roommate...

That seems kind of off to me, too.

Especially when I see how little the alpha works in comparison to the amount of money he seems to spend.

Though, I guess I couldn't really judge him for that.

Sometimes, bad times just befall on people without warning. And sometimes, that sets you back to square one.

Though I still found it weird.

He says he's been through college.

So couldn't he get a job with his degree?

I mean, don't get me wrong. I wasn't complaining.

Sometimes having an older alpha around was nice. If I ever needed someone to lie about, say...trying to get rid of another alpha, I could just pop up a picture of Hyunjin or ask the alpha to come pick me up from wherever I was. Though I wouldn't say that Hyunjin and I were friends, the alpha was always open to helping me when I needed it.

Whether he had a motive for that or not, or whether there was something deeper to that behavior, I hadn't discovered it yet.

All in all, the alpha was just weird.

And I was paranoid.


"Are you hungry?"

Hyunjin flinched when I spoke to him, like he hadn't realized that I had realized that he was standing behind me in the kitchen. I sent him a look over my shoulder and smiled at him, taking note of his phone that was in his hand, probably open on his camera as always. The alpha swallowed thickly like he was nervous...well, no. Just awkward. But despite his demeanor, the alpha took me speaking to him as an invitation to come closer and speak back.

"Yes." He mumbled as he got a little too close for comfort. Or maybe that was a normal distance and I was just paranoid as usual. I mean, not that I minded anymore. I was used to the alpha invading my space when I talked to him. So when he placed his hands around me but not actually around me, I didn't bat an eye. He held the counter on both sides of me and looked over my shoulder at what I was making, and I'll admit that I blushed when he got so close.

He's handsome, after all.

"It's just tuna salad. I didn't want to actually bother cooking tonight." I said, holding up the bowl to the light since the overhead light on this side of our big kitchen was fussy and didn't want to turn on today. Which, I had yet to tell Hyunjin about. Which, may have been a good time to mention now. "By the way, hyung, would you might changing the light bulb sometime? It went out and I can't reach it well enough to change it."

"Even on a chair?" He asked, looking down at me.

"Yeah. I tried, but...I couldn't get it." I mumbled sheepishly.

"Yeah, I'll get it." He mumbled back, before he stepped back from me. While I finished up making the tuna salad, I heard Hyunjin shuffling around behind me. And a few minutes later, the light above me in the kitchen came on.

"Thank you." I said with a little smile as I looked up at him.

"You're welcome." He said as he went to put a chair back. "Is there anything else you need done?"


"Okay. Let me know then." He said, before he walked away. And a few moments later, I heard the front door close.

Wait--but wasn't he going to eat with me?

I furrowed my brows and walked out of the kitchen enough to see the front door. And sure enough, the alpha was gone.

What the hell...

We were having a normal conversation. He told me he was hungry so I made some for him too. He does what I asked of him--and then he takes off?

What the hell am I supposed to do with all this tuna salad then?

I huffed, a bit annoyed that the alpha's weird behaviorisms would probably waste some food. Or at least make for a bad leftover meal later.

But, that was Hyunjin. And I couldn't really expect anything different from him.

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