Chapter 34

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Nah cause this was supposed to be completed in March and instead I'm completing it in fucking January 😂


A few hours had passed since Hyunjin had gone to his room. And the entire time, he hadn't come out. I was scared to death that he was going to be mad at me for a long time. Refuse to talk to me, and...well, we'd be back at square one. Back to our attitudes from when we had just been roommates. I wasn't sure if I had crossed a boundary with him, but...

It's not like he ever told me to never touch his phone. Is it my fault that I didn't know...?, after trying to build a defense case for myself these past few hours, I was standing outside of Hyunjin's door. Trying to work up the courage to knock, and...hopefully mend whatever break I caused in our relationship.

I knocked on the door.




...No answer.

I gulped, before I called out. "Hyung...?"

Again, no answer.

Nervous, I peeked out the front door to make sure his car was still here. And it was, so was the car that was apparently mine.

So he's here.

I tried the door knob, not wanting to give up. And surprisingly, the door knob actually turned. And inside, I found Hyunjin. Standing in front of a large easel, with a tarp spread out on the floor. He had earbuds in, and was painting. He'd made a mess of the already paint stained tarp, and now seemed to be working with some watercolors. As I nervously approached the alpha, I noticed that he had dried paint on his pants, shirt and arms. Caking his hands, and even some on his face.


That's...actually...kind of sexy...

My inner artist, and seeing the man I love covered in paint, made my heart beat just that much more for Hyunjin as I stood behind him. Careful not to step on the dirty tarp, and instead watching the handsome man as he painted a beautiful, pink pair of lips, and occasionally flicked his paintbrush to make...freckles? A beautiful piece of work, that...

The more I stared at it, I realized it was me. My eyes widened when I saw that I was the subject of the painting, immaculately, and...realistically drawn, with accentuated features. Drawn in different shades of blue and contrasting pinks, a pop art piece that looked different from the ones I'd seen on his phone.

Is he sees me? There's no way I look that pretty in real life, but...

I noticed Hyunjin sniffing the air as he was painting. He knew I was here. He'd probably known from the moment I opened his door. I looked up at my alpha, who still didn't acknowledge me. He didn't seem to care if I saw this new painting though, and...continued shading different hues over the lips.

My lips, I guess...?

"I don't have anymore yellow paint." He said, making me jump a little. I widened my eyes, looking up at him. Surprised that he had acknowledged me. he...?

Regardless, I almost ran back to my room to retrieve my own yellow paints. Grabbing all five shades I had of regular paint, and also grabbing some of my watercolors too. Then rushing back to his room and...finally braving stepping on the tarp. I didn't really mind the feeling of paint on my feet. But now that my feet were dirtied with paint, I would have to be careful if I stepped off of it.

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