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Yay~ you made it~~


~Seven months later~

"I still can't believe my son hid his mate and pregnancy from me until I got an invitation."

I sent my dad a little grin as my mother, who knew from the moment that Hyunjin and I registered for marriage, gently combed my hair for a hair stylist to fix it up. "You wouldn't have given your blessing anyway." I said as I started to purr. "Especially not to a guy so much older than me."

My dad grunted at me. Meanwhile, my mother shushed him and made eye contact with me in the mirror I sat in front of. "We're just happy that you found someone you seem to love so much. I never expected you to take my advice to 'get to know your roommate' so well. Nor did I expect you to be marrying him." She said with a proud little smile. "I can't believe I'm marrying off my son so quickly."

"I can't believe he's getting married." My father grumbled. "Or that he had a pup. How long have I been a grandparent and not known?"

"Long enough that I could learn how to take care of her in case you decided to try and blow my mate's head off." I said as I looked over at Seulhee, my pup who slept soundly in her car seat.

My dad grunted again. He was clearly upset, though probably more because he didn't get the chance to object than actual sadness that I hid my pup and marriage until now. At my mother's suggestion, that is. Apparently my father had always been serious about never marrying his only son away. And it just tore my father apart to know he couldn't get away with stopping the marriage. Or at least trying.

"So what do you intend to do now? You graduated last week. Are you gonna keep on working for your new husband, or are you gonna become a teacher like you intended before?" My mother asked as she stepped aside for the hair stylist to start primping me.

"I'm probably gonna stay with Jinnie. He lets me bring Seulhee with us to the office. But I wouldn't get to do that anywhere else. So I'm hesitant to leave his side." I said as I glanced in my peripheral vision at my still sleeping pup. "I'm not gonna be ready to let her out of my sight for a very long time."

My mother nodded her understanding. "Well, I'm definitely not gonna complain." She mumbled. "Not when your mate paid off your tuition costs."

I sent her a knowing little smile, before I focused my eyes in the mirror to watch what the stylist was doing. Though my attention was just as soon pulled away from it when the door to the room opened, and in peeked Jeongin.

"Can I come in?" He asked with a little smile.

"Yeah." I said with a grin back. "You don't have to ask."

He grinned at me, before he quickly came in and shut the door. "I was sent to deliver a message. Hyunjin hyung is getting very antsy about waiting."

"Tell him to wait anyway." I said playfully. "He made me wait seven months. He can wait seven hours."

Jeongin giggled at my lack of care. "I don't think Chan hyung can occupy him for that long. They're both on the verge of blowing a gasket being around each other so much."

"They can deal." I mumbled. "Tell Hyunjin to stop antagonizing Chan hyung."

Jeongin nodded obediently with bright eyes, before he hurried out of the room to deliver my message back to the alphas. I sighed a little when he was left, before I tried relaxing in my chair as the stylist made quick work of my hair. I kept glancing over at Seulhee to make sure my pup didn't stir, up until the moment that the hair stylist announced that she was finished. My mother and father both praised my appearance, looking very happy about the stylist's job. I smiled, as this meant that I was ready to go and get married to Hyunjin.

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