Chapter 25

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^^ Gandr this time sksksk




Have a second splurge chapter, cause frankly, I'm ready for you guys to see the next few chapters quicker 🤭 Enjoy~


I added a little Seungbin at the end. It might be a little messy, but I think it's cute. Seungbin won't really have a lot of light I don't think (so far) so I wanted to add on something for them and maybe chip a tiny bit of scene and background for them too.

PS: This is the second chapter I've posted today, so don't accidentally skip 24. It's cute❤️


When we got back to the apartment, I was still unsure of how to go about 'seducing' him. Honestly, if I just got him to show even a little bit of interest in my body, I would be happy and feel like I had seduced him. But as we walked into the apartment, the alpha was already wandering away from me.

He never seems to want to stick around when we just get home, does he?

I pouted a little, though I was also happy that he didn't go towards his room. He went towards the kitchen, disappearing around the corner.

"Are you hungry?" He called.

I perked up excitedly.

No, but--

"Yeah!" I called back as I quickly waddled over to the kitchen to find the alpha rolling up the sleeves of his nice button up shirt to his elbows. He glanced over at me when I came into the kitchen, smiling a little when he saw my waddle before he turned his attention to the overhead cabinet.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked as I came up behind him and hugged his waist as he was reaching up into the cabinet.

"Whatever you want. Are you gonna cook?" I asked with a little purr.

"Yes. I'm hungry." He mumbled as he browsed through the cabinet. "Spaghetti?" He suggested, looking back at me.

"Okay." I nodded with a little smile up at him. He hummed and started to dig through the cabinets for what he needed, while I was pondering a way to catch the alpha's attention.

Spaghetti is a pretty straightforward food. I don't think I can really do anything to help him...

I don't want to annoy him by being here with him. Especially for nothing. He doesn't ever seem to like it when I just pop in and talk to him. So...

Something I can do in the area, but...not annoying to him, and that is reasonable for me to do...

My eyes glided over some of the floor. Though there really wasn't anything on it, there were some things to pick up here and there, and I could tidy up the table and coffee table, maybe the counters too.

"I'll clean up a bit while you're cooking." I mumbled, standing on my toes to peck his cheek, before I scurried away from him without an answer to go and change into my preferred attire.

You know, to catch his attention, of course.

I chose one of the skirts Hyunjin had gotten me, along with one of his shirts. Then, I went back out into the living area and started my tidying up.

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