⚠️Chapter 11⚠️

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Sexual Assault warning for this chapter.

Thank you for 9k on Nov. 29th~❤️

I got sick of waiting for the 4th. I wanted to give you guys a chapter now 😟


That next day when I went to class, I was a bit late. My car, the crappy ass thing, had broken down. So I rode in a taxi, since Hyunjin had already left for work. But even though I was a little late, Chan ended up being even later than I was. And even when he came in, he didn't come and sit by me. He went to the opposite side of class, giving me a clear sign that he was probably upset. And his other friend--Seokho I think it was, was right with him.

I guess...maybe they're doing something together again.

But, it still made me a bit uncomfortable. Especially when I noticed a few times throughout class that Seokho would glance back at me from his seat and look me over.


Not even Hyunjin does that kind of creepy thing...

At least, he doesn't go out of his way to watch me over his shoulder. Usually he'll just ignore me if I'm behind him or something.

So, that class ended up passing by a bit uncomfortably. And when class ended, I quickly moved to intercept Chan before he could leave the room. He and Seokho both paused when I walked in front of them.

"Hey..." I mumbled a bit awkwardly.

"Hey." Chan mumbled, with a bit of a curt tone.

"Are we still meeting up soon?" I asked, looking up at him hopefully. "For the project..."

"Yeah. I texted you..." He mumbled with a little frown.

"I'm sorry, I got a bit distracted at home, so I forgot to reply..." I mumbled. Which wasn't actually a lie, I had forgotten to message him. And even now, his message was probably still sitting as a notification on my phone.

"Oh." He mumbled. "Well..." He scrunched his nose. "Does Friday work for you? I'd still prefer to have it at my place over yours."

"Yeah, that works. We can talk about it later, yeah? You...seem a bit busy."

"We aren't." Seokho chipped in with a frown. "We're heading to his place. If you're looking to study, you could just do it today. We were planning to work on assignments at his place. You could just come along."


Okay, but...that actually might be a good idea. If there's a third there, then we may not be as awkward with each other...

"Um..." I looked up at Chan.

The alpha shrugged. "If you don't mind. It's fine with me. We'll have to meet up for more than one day most likely, so we could always save Friday for a different day. Do you work on Wednesdays?"

"No. I'm off in Wednesdays." I mumbled.

"Cool. Then yeah, why don't you come with us?" He asked with a smile, though there was still a bit of awkwardice behind it.

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