Chapter 2

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One more so you have something new. But this story isn't getting anymore updates until I'm ready❤️ I hope you enjoy a mild insight to Felix's personality here❤️


I'm not entirely sure when Hyunjin got back to the apartment, but he slipped in quietly like he didn't want to be seen. I sat on the couch and looked over at the door the moment he came in, but he didn't say a thing or even acknowledge my existence.

"Welcome home." I mumbled, trying to be nice. The alpha glanced over at me like he just realized I was there, and he gave me a little smile.

"Thanks." He mumbled, before he retreated to his room without another word. And I swear I heard him flick the lock right after he went inside.

I rolled my eyes at him before I went back to what I was doing--boring homework. I huffed a little from where I was curled up on the couch with my papers in my lap. Although this homework really wasn't anything too bad considering I was an art student...I still didn't really want to do it right now. Drawing takes a mood, if you ask me. And I didn't have that mood that got my creativity flowing right now. So my pencil could only stay still as I tried to think of what to draw.

An animal? A landscape? A person?

I sighed as I tried to think of something to draw. I had to get it done tonight since it was due tomorrow when I went to class, but I had no idea what to draw.

As I spent the next few minutes thinking of what to do, Hyunjin came back out of his room. I looked up curiously at the alpha, who didn't bat me an eye. He'd changed his clothes to some sweats from his usual designer clothes--which was another weird thing for a twenty seven year old to have if they needed a roommate--and headed for the kitchen. I could hear him rummaging around in the kitchen for awhile, keeping my focus away from my homework as I listened to him.

What's he doing? It doesn't sound like he's making any food. I haven't heard any of the cabinets or the fridge opening.

I listened to him for a few minutes. And after a bit, he came back out of the kitchen with nothing in hand. I bit my lip, wondering just what he'd been doing. I wondered if he would act weirder than usual if I spoke to him.

"Hyung?" I called as he was about to go back into his room. He paused, glancing over at me without a word as he waited for me to continue.

I gave him a little smile when I had his attention. "Um...what's your favorite animal?"

He looked confused at the question, but gave me an awkward smile back. "Uh...dogs, I guess?" He mumbled, giving me a weird 'are you serious' look.

"Really? So are you a dog person?"


"What kind of dogs do you like? Have you ever had one before?"

The alpha was reacting a little strangely as I spoke to him. But it was more of a 'why is he talking to me' behavior. But I only smiled at him as I waited for his response.

"Uh...yeah, I've had a dog before. I don't really have a favorite type of dog. But my previous dog was a chihuahua."

"A chihuahua?"

"Yes. Big eyes, brown with tannish markings, he was cute."

"He sounds cute. Do you have any pictures of him?" I asked curiously, patting the couch next to me invitingly to see how the alpha would react. He looked at the space next to me on the couch, before he slowly came over to sit next to me.

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