Chapter 19

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Thank you for 22k on Dec. 25th~❤️

That baby girl's name is Kelsey^ Or at least, that's what we've named her. She's the neighborhood sweetheart that randomly shows up to greet you🥰

I have no idea who she belongs to or if she even has an owner 💀 but anyway-- 😂

I hauled ass to make some more chapters, so here's a late Christmas present for you guys❤️

The next update is still on the 28th~❤️ Love y'all~ You're so love lee~


I haven't even listened to that song but the chorus is GOLDEN

Just like Kookie 🤭

But anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. And meeting the two new characters 😏


Turns out, Jeongin did not want to talk about it.

And when his two friends from before realized it, the alpha snarled at me and chased me away--literally. He was so mad as the other omega comforted a now sobbing Jeongin, that he ran after me in the halls. And I don't think I'd ever ran so fast in my life trying to get away from him. And he didn't seem to care that he had terrified me or the other two omegas when he took off after me. Even as the other omega called out for him.

Changbin hyung! He called. Like that did anything to stop the alpha from raising hell in the halls as we both weaved through people that were just as shocked as I was that I was being chased by an alpha. He was hot on my tail, and the only thing stopping him from grabbing me was all the people in his way. It was easier for me to wedge my smaller self between people, while the buff alpha bumped shoulders with just about everyone. He was yelling apologies left and right, while I was saving my breath to keep running. Doing a full loop around the school, hoping to round back to where Jeongin and the other omega were at to hopefully apologize and say my piece to Jeongin before this alpha could catch me.

Though, that was wishful thinking.

When there were no more people left for me to weave between and try to lose him, he caught me. While we were alone, and I was terrified. He grabbed me by my shirt and slammed me so hard up into the wall that it knocked the wind out of me. I looked up at the alpha with wide eyes and immediately started to whimper and yelp at the top of my lungs, hoping some generous person would come and save me from this alpha. But he covered my mouth, holding my lower jaw tight and pushing my head into the wall so I couldn't get it free. He snarled menacingly at me as I nervously grabbed and clawed at his wrist. I really went as far as to lick his hand, but even with the disgusting move, the alpha didn't let go of me.

"What did you do to him?" The alpha snarled lowly.

My eyes flitted down nervously to his hand covering my mouth. Trying to tell him that I couldn't answer. But he didn't care. He held my jaw even tighter, making me tear up in pain. I dug my nails into his wrist, before in a desperate maneuver, I kicked the alpha as hard as I could in the balls.

He doubled over with a loud grunt. Giving me the chance to squirm out of his loosened grip, before I put some distance between us as he dropped to the floor. I stared down at him with wide, scared eyes for a few moments, mumbling a soft "Sorry," before I took off running again, this time out of the building.

I was out of breath, and my heart was still racing from being chased like that and pinned by an unfamiliar alpha. I was ready to go home, and sincerely hoped that I would find Hyunjin outside waiting for me. Even if he was probably going to be angry at me when he smelled all the scents on me.

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