Chapter 8

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Thank you for 6k on Nov. 20th~❤️

Look at that fucking beautiful man^^^^^ 😭

I almost forgot to update sksksk oops. Though I feel like one of you guys would have popped up and asked before long. If you haven't already. I haven't read comments today yet.

I've been binge watching the glory and I'm seriously hoping that Yeojung kisses Dongeun before the show ends 🥲😭

I just want to reiterate that I see and read as many of your comments as I can. But most, I never get a notification or it gets lost in the sea of others 😅 So if I never reply to something you guys send (like an outright question for me or something) I probably haven't seen it. If you need or want something from me or have a question, it's better to DM me. I always see DMs because even though I don't get a notification, there will still be the little red dot showing me I have something new. Posting a comment or on my board, I'm unlikely to see them because of the sheer amount of notifications I get and because I rarely ever look at my board unless I spot a notification about a board notification while I'm scrolling 😅 I just wanted to tell you guys that. Don't be afraid to DM. And I'm sorry if I don't respond to any of your questions in the comments. I generally can't see them in my notifications, and only find them if I go to the actual comment section (which now is not really useful either, since wattpad's last update has made the comment section kind of confusing 😑)

But anyway, I just wanted to tell you guys this again. If you really want to say something to me, the best way to get my attention is to DM.

Or spam the comments, cause I'll usually see at least some of the spam 😅


Hyunjin has been mean to me all morning, and I don't even know why he's doing it. From the moment I woke up and left my room, Hyunjin has been watching me. And it really seemed like he was following me, too. He sat on the couch where he could see my hall and doorway, so he knew when I would leave my room. When I went to the kitchen, he moved to the dining room table at the end, so he could see me in the kitchen. When I went into the laundry room, he moved to the other end of the table so he could see me as I dried some handwashed clothes. The only place he couldn't follow me was the bathroom. But he moved right back to the couch where he could see down my hall again and waited for me to be done each time.

I hate this. Can I not go about my day in peace? Why does he insist on staring at me?

When I went back to my room to avoid his gaze, I managed to forget about him for the rest of the morning. And when I came out of my room two hours before I had to go to class, I found that he was finally gone.

I guess he finally went to work or something.

I sighed of relief, before I went to go and shower before my only class today, the same math class I'd had with Chan.

We'll probably learn whether or not that project is happening this week today.

I have to look cute today, too. I have to impress Chan!

I made sure to primp a lot before I had to get out. I put on a perfume, specifically made for omegas to wear to please alphas--one that smells good, but won't irritate their heightened senses, and won't cover the scent of the omega either.

My creepy roommate | HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now