Chapter 23

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Thank you for 26k on Dec. 29th, 27k on Dec. 31st, 28k on January 2nd and 29k on January 3rd~❤️

I have something to tell you guys, just in case it happens. Between now and the 15th, maybe to the 1st, if I don't update on the proper days, I may not have the internet to. I'll try to figure out how to get you guys the chapters on time if I don't have internet. But keep that in mind❤️ If you don't see the updates when they're supposed to happen, I may be unable to get them to you. My phone is turned off and my home internet might soon, idk. But just a warning.

I think I gave some of you a heart attack last chapter 💀 I didn't mean a few chapters from where you guys are, I meant from where I am 😂 It never occurred to me my wording might be bad. There's probably gonna be about 45-50 chapters. It's not gonna end in the 20s or the 30s 😅 I've already written to chapter 39 and it isn't finished. So don't worry, you're only about halfway through, assuming that it stops there like I think it will. We'll see lol.

I swear it wasn't that long ago that I was talking about taking a break after this story, but then I went and splurge published mates 😂 looks like that break is postponed. Again. 💀 Idk. Maybe when I finish this, I'll keep mates on hold for a little while longer so I can take that break 😅 like a month or so before I jump back in the game. Can you believe that I've been writing story after story since 2020? Yeah, I can't either 💀 But it feels like it.

Next update is the 10th.


The moment that I got into Hyunjin's car, I leaned over and kissed him. I purred loudly and nuzzled his neck, begging for his attention as I sat back in my seat.

"Hi babe." He mumbled, smiling a little at my automatic sweet behavior when I greeted him.

I purred even louder when he called me by a pet name. Though they were momentarily cut off when the alpha picked up a drink from the one of the cup holders and held it out to me.

"I got you a drink." He said as I curiously took it.

I smiled at him. "Thank you, hyung." I said, purring again and leaning over to kiss him again. Then, I curiously sipped the drink, perking up when I recognized the taste.

"This is one of my favorite drinks!" I said with wide eyes. "Thank you, baby!" I purred, louder and more enthusiastically before I leaned over and gave him a third kiss.

"I know." He mumbled. "You're welcome."

"You know?" I asked with a soft giggle. "How did you know?"

He paused for a moment at my question, making me tilt my head curiously for a moment back at him. But just as quickly as the alpha seemed to pause, he spoke.

"You've said so."

"When?" I asked, frowning a little. "I don't remember telling you what drinks I like."

He quietened. He seemed tense for a few moments, but again, he bounced back pretty quickly. This time, with a little blush.

"Your social media." He mumbled. "You've posted about it before."

"I have?" I mumbled, thinking about it for a second. "Well, that makes sense. I do post my food and drinks sometimes. But..." I sent him a playful grin. "You stalked my posts? Aww, are you the kind of guy that will like everything I post? You're so sweet, baby." I purred, leaning over to give him a fourth kiss. "Thank you." I said, before I sat back in my seat. Hyunjin seemed to stop tensing when I made the assumption, though his behavior was a little weird.

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