Chapter 24

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Thank you for 30k on Jan. 5th and 31k on Jan. 6th~❤️

My boy Loki has a UTI ^^ But don't be fooled, he's happy in that picture. He parked his chonkus butt next to me on the couch and napped while I filed my taxes 😂


Let's be real here.

I can't stick to a schedule worth a shit.

Here, have a chapter that I splurge decided to publish. Enjoy~

Next chapter is still on the 10th lol.


Day 23 of writing about Hyunjin!

Hyung definitely has a secret.

It's been three days. And I've been trying to get a chance to peek inside of that drawer. But every time, he catches me. Even when I'm as stealthy as possible, he always seems to know when I'm trying to go for that drawer.

And every time I've tried to raid it, I've been unsuccessful.

Now, I have an idea.

Today is the day that we're going to have our double date. Chan, Jeongin and I all don't have class today, and Hyunjin only has things to do up until seven PM. So...

I suggested that we go to a bar. One that's minor friendly, considering Jeongin isn't old enough to drink. And with three against one--the one being Hyunjin--we decided on a bar that doubled as an arcade. That way we could each have fun in our own ways. Assuming that Hyunjin doesn't get pissy in the loud environment. Considering I told him solely that we were going somewhere with drinks, not that we were going somewhere that may or may not have kids there as well.

There's an adult zone though, since it offers drinks though. So we should be good anyway. I'll just keep Hyunjin in the adult zone.

Surely everything will go well, right?

My intention is to get Hyunjin drunk. Cause if he's drunk, then he won't be thinking about that drawer. And that means that I can get into it.

So, mission get Hyunjin drunk as balls is a go!


"Hold my hand." Hyunjin grumbled under his breath possessively and...I think with a hint of jealousy when we arrived at the bar for our double date. I sent the alpha a little smile, but obediently reached over to hold Hyunjin's hand so he could have his little bit of an ego boost as Chan and Jeongin were walking up to us. Jeongin had a shy smile on his face while Chan looked nonchalant and happy. They seemed much more comfortable with each other compared to before, with Chan even gently holding Jeongin's shoulder opposite of him and guiding the shy omega along as they approached.

"Hey." Chan said with a smile, pointedly ignoring Hyunjin and I's hands. He let go of Jeongin's shoulder to come and greet me, pointedly ignoring Hyunjin's entire existence period as he gave me a side hug.

I purred at him and hugged him back, even if Hyunjin's grip on my hand tightened when I touched the other alpha. Hyunjin let out a soft warning growl at Chan, warding off an already nervous Jeongin who had approached a bit closer than before with the intention of saying hi. But quickly backing off when he saw the temperamental alpha.

"Why are you hugging my omega? You have your own." Hyunjin growled. "Tend to him and keep your hands off of my boyfriend."

I puffed up a bit shyly when Hyunjin released that bit of information without so much as a warning before he did it. Chan and Jeongin both looked surprised, while I lowered my gaze with a blush.

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