Chapter 12

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Thank you for 10k on Dec. 3rd~❤️

I'm gonna reiterate again, the best way to get my attention is DMs, not the comments or my board. I don't see the majority of your comments unless I manually scroll and find them, and the board notifications get lost in the sea of other notifications 9 times out of 10. I only see those when I check my email 😅 If I don't answer any questions you have, try DMing. I see unanswered questions sometimes when I go back through the comments, and I feel bad because I never saw it. So if you have a question, don't be scared to DM me❤️

But anyway, since I was supposed to update today, here's the update that was for today (even though I updated yesterday~😘)

Plus it's kinda short. So I'd feel bad if it were it's standalone chapter in 4 more days.

Next update will be the 9th❤️


That night, I couldn't sleep.

No matter how many times I laid down and closed my eyes, the image of Seokho on top of me came back, until my eyes shot open once again to see my crawling ceiling.

I let out a soft, annoyed cry and rubbed some stray tears away from my eyes. I huffed as I started to tear up once again, before my head turned to the clock on my nightstand.

One in the morning.

I bit my lip, before I got up to go and drink some warm milk, and maybe take something to help me conk out. But after taking some medicine and drinking two glasses of warm milk, the only change was that I needed to take a piss.

Fuck me.

I sighed and made a quick trip to the bathroom, only to come out and find Hyunjin leaning on his door, clearly looking tired.

"Why are you up so late?" He asked in a raspy, tired voice as he took me in, looking over how I was still in a skirt and tee, my usual home attire. "Go to bed."

"I can't sleep." I mumbled, looking away from him a bit guiltily, even if I hadn't done anything wrong. "I'm nervous to be alone..."

The alpha stared at me for a few moments, before he huffed. "Fine. Come here." He mumbled, beckoning me over with a crooked finger. I obediently went over to him, and was surprised when the alpha picked me up. But I obediently stayed in his arms as he opened his bedroom door back up, and carried me inside.

I looked around, both at him and his room. His strong scent musked down the room, was somehow a comfort to smell him so strongly. He laid me down on his bed before he sat down next to me. I looked up at him as he nonchalantly yawned and stretched, before he laid down next to me.

"Only for tonight, you can sleep with me." He mumbled, before he slipped his arm underneath me and gently pulled me closer. He let me melt into his chest, fitting up next to him perfectly. His strong, relatively straight body was easily fit into my curves. Almost like a lost puzzle piece.

The alpha quietly held my waist as he closed his eyes. I looked up at him with wide eyes when he started to croon, offering me comfort.

"Thank you." I mumbled softly, as I took his invitation. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes. At first, I did expect to have the same problem. That as soon as I started to sleep, the image of Seokho would come back. But instead, all that followed was a deep sleep, all thanks to Hyunjin's presence.


That next morning when I woke up, Hyunjin was still holding me. The alpha seemed to have been awake for quite a while already, and was playing on his phone. He turned his head to look at me when I started to wake up, and watched me with his usual blank face.

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