Chapter 30

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Thank you for 41k on Jan. 17th~❤️




















~Felix's POV~

I genuinely thought that Hyunjin was mad at me.

But when he came back home like a few hours later, he came straight into my room without a word, and started to cuddle with me. Nuzzling his face into my neck to scent me, while I started to purr up a storm happily when it clicked that he really wasn't mad at me. I don't know why, but my purrs seemed to relieve Hyunjin.

Though...the more that I scented Hyunjin back, the more that I was noticing...Chan's scent on him. I curiously clinged onto his shirt and ducked my head down to sniff him, pausing my purrs to try and pick up Chan's familiar scent better.

"Did you go and see Chan hyung?" I asked, looking up at him curiously.

"Yes." He mumbled honestly.

"What for?" I asked with a little smile as I wrapped my arms around him.

"I'll tell you later." He said, before he pulled me in closer to his chest. "Just lay with me for a bit, okay?"

I frowned a little at him, but I obediently curled up in his arms.

At least he isn't mad at me.

I don't think I've got any kind of 'PTSD' from what happened...

But Hyunjin won't believe me if I tell him that, will he?


I swear I was fine.

He just scared me. Right?

He was unsuccessful, so why would it bother me?



My eyes drifted up to Hyunjin's peaceful face, gliding over his closed eyes and slight frown. Feeling my eyes on him, the alpha's eyes fluttered open. Meeting my gaze, and searching my face similar to how I was searching his. I gulped, as we silently took each other in.

I...don't want to link one of the two men that have helped me to it. I never did with Chan. At first, maybe, but...

Chan never tried touching me. He never wanted to. Would it have been the same with Chan if we'd have made it?

Why would I link Hyunjin to it when he wasn't even there? He was only in the aftermath.


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