Chapter 58 - Captive

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Jeju, Monday Night


"I can't contact dad. Mom, did dad not tell you who he was meeting? He's supposed to be home." I took a quick glance at mom, already perplexed. Nini was walking back and forth and Bat had that stern look on his face. Jisoo slightly squeezed my hand. "Your mom?" I asked her. 

"She called Uncle a while ago. She'll be coming home tomorrow afternoon." I was relieved her mom was okay. Sev and Thirdy were in their own rooms already, Rose joined us and I noticed her uneasiness. 

All of us looked to Bat's direction when his phone rang. He looked at me warily. He walked towards me and mouthed Nana. 

"Young blood— Nana's voice on the other end made me shiver. My hunch is telling me something is awfully wrong. "Tomorrow, Rise of the Blood Moon, bring the phoenix blood to the Council as agreed." I put the phone on speaker, so everyone could hear Nana. 

My breath hitched as I looked at Jisoo. We have to stick to our plan. Make the Elder go out of his palace. 

"I am not bringing her." I replied. 

"Not your shots to call wolf. Bring the phoenix here tomorrow. No questions asked. Or else–

—or else what. 

"We will behead your dad."

So the Council really had my father as expected.

"Behead my dad and the Blood Moon will pass, the phoenix blood will still be alive. My dad or the Elder's life, warlock. I will call the shots, not you, not the Council, and never even the Elder." 

I could hear Nana's sharp breaths on the other line. "You play dirty getting my dad as insurance? You will never lay any of your fingers on him." I manage to say over the phone, my wolf claws now on full display. My rage cannot be contained in any minute. 

"Then bring the Phoenix blood tomorrow, in exchange of your father." Nana answered. 

"No warlock. Bring my dad here in Jeju. Where you killed the last phoenix 87 years ago. My dad, in exchange of the phoenix blood." 

Silence. On her end. On my end. I know the Elder is beside her, and the rest of the Council. 

I won't let them drag us back to Italy. It has to be here in Jeju. The chances will be great for us. 

"Make sure you have the phoenix blood with you." Nana didn't give me a chance to answer her. The call ended. 

I could see Nini and mom's horrified faces, Bat's clenched jaw, Rose and Seop's worried faces and then Jisoo. Guilt and sadness. She lowered her head avoiding my gaze. I left the villa with Jisoo. 

We ended up sitting in one of the empty benches facing the sea. It took some time before we broke our silence. 

"If we were ordinary people Haein, what would you like to be?" She was the first to break our silence. That question wasn't really that hard for me. 

"A farm owner. Still connected to nature I guess. I wanted to plant trees, raise animals, and have a quiet life…..

…..with the people I love, with my wife, with my kids. Just how we were before the Council found us." 

I placed my hand on top of hers, seeing how down she looked. 

"How about you, what was your dream?" 

She gave out a dejected smile, looking at my hand. 

"I never had one." I was surprised with her answer. 


"Nothing. It never crossed my mind before. You know, as an immortal, we are following patterns like a life cycle. We stayed in a place for a decade, we studied, met a few people, then we were bound to leave. It was so repetitive that I never wanted anything—

It was a long pause. 

—until I met you.

She moved her hand and placed it on top of mine. The infinity ring that I gave her is still on her ring finger. 

"Now that I had something I wanted to do, why does it seem so hard to get them? Can't the Elder just leave us alone. We can just go far away from him if he's that worried that I might kill him. Can't we do that?" She's really agitated now. I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. 

No words were uttered between us. Just us trying to find comfort through silence. 

Tomorrow, our predetermined destiny will unveil. 

I watched her as she slept immediately after our short talk at the seafront. I was hoping I could do the same, but I can't. My thoughts were scattered all over the place. The prophecies, mom and dad, Jisoo. The Elves. If only they would appear tomorrow, things would be easier for us. Should I tell mom I met uncle in Thailand? But if Uncle won't come tomorrow, Mom's gonna be heartbroken for sure. 

And I have to focus on my other main goal, apart from keeping Jisoo safe, to kill the Elder. I held my necklace tightly, climbed out of bed and stepped out of the room.

I ended up at the balcony, the cold breeze of the sea welcomed me. I could feel a pair of eyes watching me. 

"What do you need from me Rose?" 

Rose appeared from where she's hiding. "Can we talk?" 

"What is it?" 

Rose exhaled deeply as she looked at me. We both leaned to the metal railings. "It's about Jisoo."

"What about her?" 

It took her a while before she spoke again. 

"I saw her dying. When I held your hands. It was like an instant vision. The moment my hand touched both of you, I saw it. She's lifeless in your arms. I think I need to let you know."

"She will not die."


"What? Don't tell me about fucking visions. Nor those fucking prophecies. I don't care about them." I huffed under my breath. 

"You heard visions and prophecies from the Council too. Jiwon already told me and what the twins saw is exactly the same as what I have in my visions. And all of them happened. The twins didn't have the chance to hold your hands. I was just—" She sucked more air before she continued. 

—preparing you."

I laughed sarcastically. 

Preparing me. For her death. 

The funniest shit I've ever heard. 

"Really Rose. Then let me tell you one thing….."

I held on to my elf necklace again. 

"Your vision will never happen. Or else… 

… I will make sure I will bring her back to life no matter what."

I left her alone on the balcony. 

No one is going to die. 

No one. 

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