Chapter 24

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Becca's POV

Laying in the bed with Luke feels amazing. He's rubbing small circles in my arm with his thumb, making me get goosebumps. We don't say anything.

Ally and Calum are underneath the covers, laughing about something.

I smile at the thought of Luke laying right next to me. I never thought that this would actually come true. Never once did I think that I would be sleeping in the same bed with Lucas Hemmings. I never thought that any of this would be the real.

I look over at Luke's soft features, his eyes lightly closed. His breathing uneven. I bring my hand up to his face and rub my thumb along his cheekbone.

"I really really like you..." I whisper quietly, to where it's almost unheard.

He moves a little before opening his blue eyes. "I like you too." He says. My cheeks burn with embarrassment. "I thought you were asleep." I say, looking at his beautiful blue eyes.

"I was but hearing your pretty voice makes me want to be awake with you." My stomach does flips and turns, getting butterflies.

"Oh stop it." I say, playfully hitting him on the chest, but he grabs my wrists and pulls me closer to him. We are both on our sides, facing towards each other. His hot breath fanning over my face. His face looks serious now, not a hit of amusement.

His eyes flicker down to my lips, leaning foreword a bit. He was getting ready to kiss me, and I was ready. Maybe tonight would be the night I get to love Luke Hemmings.


"Becca. Wake up." Someone says, shaking me lightly. I slowly open my eyes to a fully dressed Luke. Remembering the events from last night made me blush. We kissed, talked, kissed again. He is one of the most amazing people I've ever know.

"I'm going to go back to the room with Calum. Michael is still here with Katie but I'll be back later though. Then we can go on our date." He says, smiling widely.

"Ok." I say, digging my head into the pillow. He laughs at my action and I smile, even though he can't see me. "Bye babe." He says, leaving me with a kiss on the back of my neck.

I look at the clock on the nightstand and see its 8:30am. I sigh and contemplate whether to get up, but I decide against it. I grab my phone from the table, and scroll through Instagram.

A lot of people have started following me, and it shows I was tagged in a picture.

"This girl is amazing."- Luke

The description says, showing a picture of me having my head on his chest. He's really sweet.

I quickly post a comment saying: Your amazing too.

After another 15 minutes, I get bored and decide to take a shower. I notice Ally is still in bed and Katie must be still outside with Michael because the curtains are still closed.

I take a nice 45 minute shower and wrap myself in a towel. I open the door, letting the steam pour out into the room. I walk quietly to my suitcase and open it, deciding to wear a pair of high waisted shorts and a black tank top with a black cardigan, paired with some plain black flip flops.

Once I change into my clothes, I decide on heading down to get some food. I leave a quick note for Ally and Katie, and leave it on the nightstand.

I get on the elevator, making my descend down to the lobby. It stops at floor 14, and opens the door to reveal Liam.

"Hello love." He says, smiling at me. I return the gesture, saying a quick hello.

"Are you going to get some food?" He asks me, trying to not have an awkward silence. "I am." I say, again smiling at the light shade of red his face had turned. "Are you?"

"Yeah. They have such amazing food here." He said, laughing nervously.

I smirk at him, wanting him to feel uncomfortable. This was going to be fun.

The whole time me and him were eating our food, I just stared at him, not saying anything. Keeping my eyes locked on his. I'm showing no emotion and it's getting hard to do.

His face looks like a sad puppy who thinks they did something wrong. "Why the hell do you keep staring at me like that?" He says, now clearly a little mad and irritated.

I start to let the laughter roll out. He gives me another questioning look and I just keep laughing my ass off.

We both eat the remainder of our food and head back to the elevator. "Wanna go swimming later?" Liam asks me, but his face quickly changes. "Never mind." He quickly says, I guess remembering Ashton's incident.

"No, it's ok. I'll go. Can I invite Luke?" I ask, hoping he'd say yes, and my wish came true.

"Corse." He said, the elevator door dinging, signaling that it's here. The ride up was filled with stupid, dirty, and funny jokes by the one and only Liam Payne.

It stops at the 14th floor, both of us walking out. He goes to room 1402 and I go over to 1410.

I knock softly on the door, waiting for it to open.

A few minutes later, the door clicks open to reveal Luke.... Wearing only his boxer briefs. I suck in my breath, looking him up and down.

"Ummm.... I ummm ummmm wanted to know if you uh wanted to go to the um pool." I stuttered, trying to keep eye contact and not look at his nice fucking body.

"Sure. Let me get dressed. Come on in." He says, opening the door wider for me to come through. His room looks like a normal hotel room. 1 bed, a desk, a huge window, a nightstand, a tv, and a bathroom off to the side.

I decide to jump into the bed, covering my entire body up with the soft warm covers.

I feel the bed dip beside me, and Luke climbs under the covers, so not one inch of body isn't under the covers.

Before I know it, his lips are dancing in perfect sync with mine, feeling as though our lips were made to fit together like a puzzle. Maybe this is what I wanted. I was missing a piece of me, and I think Luke is that missing piece.


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