Chapter 37

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Katey's POV

I walk down the hallway towards the elevator and immediately get more nervous with every step. I step on the empty elevator and start pacing as it moves down.

I pull out my phone to see Harry is still on the line. "Harry." I say, breathlessly. "Yeah? Are you ok? Do you need me?" He says, panic in his voice. "No. I'm ok. I just wanted to say..." I trail off, feeling a panic attack coming on. I feel my vision get a little blurry, so I sit on the ground. I struggle, but I finally say "can you bring me my pills." I start to take deep breaths, attempting to calm down my heart rate. "Shit." He says. I hear rustling around and then I hear the door shut. "Katey it's ok. He's on his way. Where are you?" She said, trying to keep her cool. "Elevator." I choke out. "Ok. He's on his way. It's ok. Take deep breaths and just relax. It'll be ok." She says, in attempt to keep me calm. It's working a tad bit, but Harry is the only thing on my mind. I love it how caring and gentle and just sweet he is.

He has been there for me whenever I needed him. Even though we barely know each other, I know I love him.

The elevator moves up and stops, opening the door. "Katey." He says, running over to me, and I don't wait for the meds. I throw my arms around his neck, not letting go. He quickly grabs me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Don't go." He said, pulling slightly back. "I have to." I say, breathing in his minty fresh smell. "Here. Take this." He says, giving me the pill bottle and a water bottle. "Thanks." I say, pushing the pill in my mouth and sipping on the water. "Babe, I love you so much." He says, reassuring me. "I love you too." I say, feeling my heart go back to its semi normal state. "I've got to go." I say, getting up. The elevator stops at the lobby and opens to see no one in there. Harry still has an arm around my waist as we walk towards the door. "Be careful." He says, kissing my forehead. "I will." I promise. I walk out into the chilly air of Atlanta and start into the direction of the peach tree movie theater. I walk as slow as I can to avoid tripping on the dark ground. There is literally no one out here at 9:30pm. You'd guess in somewhere as big as Atlanta that there would be some people around. I get to the abandoned theater and look around but no ones there. I pull out my phone and see Harry's still on and I shove it deep in my pocket.

"Katey Katey Katey." A low voice says behind me. "I didn't think you would actually come." I turn around to come face to face with a boy, taller than harry and a little less muscular than harry.

"Well I did. So what do you want?" I say, trying to make my voice not shaky. "Oh slow down babe. I wanna see you first." He says, his eyes scanning my body up and down. That's when I start to feel vile come up my throat. "Come here." He said, jumping towards me, making me fall to the ground, him holding my hands above my head. "Harry won't be here to help you, now will he?" He says, cracking a smile. He pulls out a thin sharp knife out of his pocket, setting it on my throat. "Say bye bye Katey." He says, his yellow teeth like glow in the dark. The next thing I know, he falls on top of me, the knife getting thrown from his hand and to the side, slicing my hand on accident. I hear grunting and heavy breathing beside me. I look over to see harry straddling his brother, punching him repeatedly. I pull my hand to me, wrapping the bottom of my shirt to stop the bleeding. "Harry." I say, feeling very light headed at the sight of all this blood. "Help." I say, falling limp to the ground. A few seconds later, harry has me in his arms and is running towards the street lights. After about 5 minutes of running, he sets me down on a curb, taking a look at my hand. "It looks pretty deep..." He says, trailing off talking to himself. "We need to go to the hospital." He says, picking me up again. Harry slides my phone out of my pocket and talks to Ally from the other end. "Call an ambulance. Send it to Chastain rd on exit 2." He says, looking at his surroundings. Whenever we are, it's dark now. I see a highway, but no ones driving on it. Harry hangs up with Ally and immediately pulls his shirt off. I try not to look at him, but it's like this subsided the pain. He wraps his white shirt around my bloody hand. He looks at me with worried eyes, but mine are soft and filled with love. Harry loves me. He does whatever it takes to keep me safe and happy. How could I get such a man like that??

After about 10 minutes, ambulance sounds are heard in the distance. "How are you feeling?" He asks, before the lights are seen lighting up the darkness. "It hurts a little." I say, not breaking eye contact. Harry has been keeping my hand clenched between his 2 palms since he gave me his shirt. "I love you Katey." He says, looking really sincere. "I love you too."


"Can I make a joke now?" Harry says, looking at me with amusement. I'm sitting in the emergency room in a short gown after getting 11 stitches in my hand. "What?" I ask, smiling from all the pain meds that they gave me. "You always go to the hospital!" He says, looking at me laughing. "Ha ha ha." I say, cracking a smile. He just looks over to me and smiles. His dimples poke out and I'm tempted to reach over and poke one, but I refrain from doing so. "I love you laugh." He says. My cheeks instantly turn warm. "Come sit with me?" I say, patting the spot at the end of the bed. He wastes no time to get out of the uncomfortable chair and sliding into the semi comfortable bed. "Play with my hair?" I ask him, turning myself around to face towards the iv pole that connects to the cannula in my arm. He sits cross cross in back of me while I sit cris cross in front of him. His fingers tangle them selfs in my hair. I let out a moan when he starts to rub my scalp. I lean back a bit and come into contact with Harry's hard chest. I lean into him, his hands coming around me onto my exposed thighs. Before I can do anything else, a doctor walks in. I can only imagine what he was thinking when he walked into the room to see "teenagers" facing the wrong way in the bed, the guys arms on the girls thighs and her back to his chest. He clears his throat and I turn around, waving at him with my wrapped up hand. I pause when I realise who it was. "Mr. Robert?" I say, my eyes brightening up. Robert was my moms old friends. They were friends since high school to Well... Until the accident. "Hello Miss Katey! And..." He says, gesturing to Harry. "That's Harry." I explain.

"Harry... Harry styles? From one direction?" He asks. I burst out laughing at the look of shock on Harry's face. "How do you know that?" I ask him in between laughs. "Anastasia." He says, his eyes scolding me as if thinking he knew them by choice. "Oh how is my favourite little thing?" I ask.

"Well you "little" thing is now 11." He explains. "How long will you be in town? Maybe we ca all have dinner one night." He says.

"I'm here for another week or so. Just call me when you're free." I say. "Ok. Well here are your discharge papers. Sign and initial." He says, giving me the clipboard. Harry climbs off the bed and over to his chair again. I sign my name and hand him back the brown clipboard. "You're free to go." He says patting me on the shoulder. "Thanks so much." I say, grabbing my clothes from Harry and waiting for him to leave. Once he closes the door, I slip out of the gown and grab my jeans from Harry and he gives me my bloody shirt. "Maybe you should just walk in your sports bra." He says, looking at the very stained shirt. "Probably should, but won't that look weird? I'll have no shirt and you won't either..." I say, laughing. "Fuck it." I say, opening the door and walking out, grabbing Harry's hand. As we pass by the nurses station, I see the nurses looking at Harry up and down. When were about to pass the corner, I make sure Harry isn't looking and I flip up my middle finger at them, smiling. They all gasp at my action and I just laugh lightly. "I saw that." He says, smirking down at me. Dammit. Oh well.


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