Chapter 1

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Flashback-15 months ago
It was halloween and we were having a party at Mason's house. I was so excited as for the last month and half I'd been seeing Declan, it wasn't meant to happen but we found ourselves flirting and being more touchy towards each other in the weeks coming up to then, and we ended up meeting up privately, we'd go to the movies, dinner and been getting intimate. He told me that we would speak and tell Mason at the party and that I'd be his... that was until he walked in with another girl on his arm and spent the whole party with his tongue down her throat, I got so drunk that night but the next morning, I booked a one-way ticket to Spain and started my travels, I left a note to Mason, he's the only person in my family I speak to, he's my best friend and leaving him broke my heart more but I needed to heal. I told him in basic what was wrong and that I needed time. He sent me a text saying he understood and he's here when I'm ready. I've spoken to him through text and phone calls throughout the year and he's never mentioned Declan or asked in more detail what happened.
Current Day:
It's Masons birthday today and I've come to surprise him, I'm outside his house and there's a lot of cars, I knock on the door, I'm so anxious if he will he want to see me at all.
The door opens and someone I don't know answers the door. "Hiya love you alright" I recognise the face from watching football and Mase's instagram "hi yeah is Mason in" I say and I hear him call Mason who comes over moaning he was busy, Mason looks up and shouts "OMG ADDI" he engulfs me in a big hug "Happy birthday Masey, I thought I'd surprise you, your present is in my bag", there's now like 6 other people staring at us now.
"You gonna introduce us to this beautiful girl" the man with the brummie accent who opened the door says. "Oh yeah, Lads this is my younger sister Addison" they all say hello introducing themselves and i look at them all and say "nice to meet you all boys but please call me Addi" just as I finish my sentence I hear a familiar voice come down the stairs "Addi... you're back" I look up and see the beautiful blue eyes which are still as gorgeous as I remember. "Hi Dec, yeah I thought I'd surprise Mason, I didn't know you'd be here" I say the last bit quietly, "can we talk" he says to me, I was just about to reply when I hear Mason call me to come in as he wants his present. "I'd better go in, you coming?" I say being nice as I try to remember that before anything else he was my close friend.
I walk into the room, "everything alright sis?" Mase says to me, I nod back and say "yeah I think, I erm was just saying hello" he looks at me confused until Dec walks in behind me. Mason raises his eyebrow and says "we'll talk later Ads" I go and sit next to him cuddling into him, then hand him a gift bag, he pulls the first gift out which is a photo collage of me and him, in the middle of it, it says 'Happy birthday Masey. I love you so much. Love Ads' The biggest smile shows on his face as he proudly shows all the boys.
"Masey?" The one I now know to be Ben also known as Chilly queries. Before Mason could answer Dec does "it's Addi's nickname for Mase, she's the only one allowed to call him it, she gave us all nicknames when we were younger" he smiles at the memory but soon looks down as I look at him.
Hours pass and I haven't really spoke to Declan which I don't think is a bad thing as I'd have no idea what I'd say and it would probably end in tears. I know before I do attempt the inevitable conversation with Dec I need to speak to Mason.

The other lads have now gone home, it's been a great night. Mason has said I can stay here with him until I need to. He's in bed watching tv so I knock the door of his bedroom "can I come in masey?" I say poking my head round the door. "Course you can sis" he says patting the space next to him on the bed. "I think we need to talk don't you Ads" he continues and I just nod while getting under the cover, cuddling up to him. "I'm just going to tell you, I know what happened between you and Dec, when you left he fell apart and after I read your note I confronted him hell bent on hating him after hurting my sister and for a while we drifted apart but you leaving hurt him bad. He was a mess and he knows he's fucked up, he's wanted to call or message so many times but he didn't think you'd answer." I'm shocked by this "but that doesn't change what happened Mase and the worst part is as soon as I saw him today I got the butterflies and the feelings back, to be honest I don't think they ever disappeared I just pushed them out of my mind. He hurt me Mase, no explanation, no warning... the day he promised he'd make me his, he turns up and had his tongue down some bitch's throat. That broke my heart, I loved him and I know it's probably not what you want to hear but I couldn't stay around feeling like that" tears are now falling from my eyes, Mason hugs me tight, wiping the tears from my face "Ads, you're my little sister, I'm not meant to like hearing about you with anyone, that's what big brothers are meant to do, however, I have one question, do you still love him?" The question shocks me and I gulp, do I love him still... silly question I never stopped. "I never stopped loving him that's not the problem, it's that he hurt me and anyway even if I did want to try again he probably don't even like me anymore" I say and all I see is Mason laugh "of course he does, he hasn't had a girlfriend since, he's got with a few girls but whenever I ask why not get with them properly he says they're not you... but don't tell him I told you that" we carry on talking for hours about what I got up to, Masons achievements and then I fall asleep cuddling up to my big brother exactly where i should be.

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