Chapter 57

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I haven't told Ted that Jacks coming over tonight. Decs text me and told me Jack feels really bad, he really shouldn't as it's not his fault. I've tried to explain to Ted that there will be times he won't be able to see Jack and the others but he doesn't understand, they've been there since he was born.
I know they are on their way back, I hear the cars outside and I take Teds hand as Evelyn's asleep, to the front door. As I open it Jack is stood there with a bag which I presume is a gift for him. "Hey there little man" Jack says as Teddy runs to him hugging him tight. "You wasn't my friend Dack, I missed you" Teddy says to Jack, who swallows hard as that sentence really upsets him. Jack kisses his forehead and says "I'll always be ya mate Ted, I promise, even if I'm busy and don't see you everyday, I'll always be ya mate and I promise you I'll see you as much as I can mate. Should we go play with this new toy I brought. He smiles and they go into play. Evelyn's woken up and Mason picks her up, "Ads, does my little princess here need a bottle" I laugh as he calls Teddy his prince, I say "yeah, I'll make it now. Are you giving it to her?" And he nods "yeah course. I've lost my little prince for the evening so it means extra cuddles with little lady." We all laugh, Dec says he'll sort out dinner, I know what he means is he'll look in the cupboards then go on his phone and order a Nando's. As I hand Mase the bottle, Dec like predicated is getting their Nando's orders. "I'm going to have a bath, whilst both kids are happy." I say and Dec says "let me order the food and I'll bring you a glass of wine up baby" I smile "thank you babe"
In the bath and the peace and quiet is very appreciated, I love being a mum and all but sometimes it gets too much. This week has been really hard, with Teddy's behaviour and Evelyn's only 4 weeks old and wakes a lot during the night. I start to cry and let it all out, soon Dec walks in with my wine, he then realised I'm crying and rushes over to me. "Ads baby what's wrong" he says worriedly, I look at him and say "it's all too much babe. This weeks been hard, Evelyn has been waking all hours during the night, Teddy's behaviour has been so bad, he's been lashing out, he did this" I say showing Dec a bruise on my arm. "He threw his big wooden truck at me, I've not even been able to go to the toilet in peace this week. I haven't said anything as you are busy with training and big games coming up, by the time your home I've had the dinner fight with Ted and he's either finally in bed or so excited to see you and Mase that he'll play and behave until bed. It's only when I'm here on my own with Evelyn. I know he's a toddler and it's his age but I'm just tired, like exhausted." I take a big swig of my glass of wine as Dec looks shocked. "Ads, drink the wine, enjoy the bath, I'll sort the kids out and I'll make it all okay, I'm going to sort it baby I promise. I'm so sorry I haven't noticed. Dinner will be here about an hour." He kisses my lips and heads out leaving me to enjoy my bath.
I'm shocked, how have I not noticed how bad it's been this week, how have I not heard Evelyn wake up, and with Teddy, she's got a literal bruise on her. She's an amazing mum, and as much as she says it's Teddy's age, she shouldn't have to deal with it and get stressed, especially with a 4 week old. She's deserves better. I feel like shit.
I walk back into the front room, Mase looks up at me "what's up bro? All good?" I shake my head to his question. "No mate, Ads was crying in the bath, she's not okay. She's struggling and I haven't noticed. Evelyn's not been sleeping at night at all, and Teddy's behaviour has got so bad that she's got a bruise on her arm from him launching a wooden truck" I say and Mason looks shocked. "Why didn't she say anything?" He asks and I shrug "she said, we had the game to focus on. We get a break after this final qualifying match right?" I say and Mason nods "yeah why what you thinking" he asks and I smile "if we're going to give her a break, let's give her a proper one. Let's have a family holiday. Jack you up for that?" Jack looks around and says "I thought you meant just yous as a family holiday" I giggle and smile "Jack you are family. I'm thinking of inviting all the lads? What do you think?" He grins "yeah, They could bring their little ones too. I'll have Teddy on the plane for yous." He says and I smile and I thank him so much.
I remove Ads out of the group chat and start making arrangements.
3 lions 🦁
Deccers: Boys who's up for a
England team Family holiday?
Like you're all welcome to
bring partners and children x

HarryK: Sounds good mate but I
think I'll be alone the others are
at her parents for the week  x
Phil: Plan mate, Rebecca
and Ronnie will love it
Hendo: Me and Bex are in x
Bells: Can I come.. I don't
have a mrs or child?
Hendo: Jude your 19, you are the child 😂😂Course you can come your
part of the England team😂
Chilly: I'm in, love a bit of sun, sand
and pulling 😂
Mase: Me and Jack are in. He would reply but Teddy's fell asleep on him.
Hendo: aww, did they have a cute reunion?
Mase: yeah lad, Decs you gonna
explain to them why this is or
removing your wife would've
been pointless.
Madders: Great plan, I'll check with
the Mrs if she's free and
Ooh Dec, you removed
your wife... not a good thing 😂

Deccers: So boys, I'll explain
more tomorrow but Ads needs
a break and I thought an all
inclusive holiday with our
family would be the best thing. X

Chilly: Aww your family... I'm
honoured that's cute🥰
Saks: I'm in on this holiday.🍹

Ads was re-added to the chat...

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