My Idol ❤ ( PhayuRain & PrapaiSky )

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" Raaaainnnnnnnn come fast. " ??? Shouts in frustration .

" Just a minute ple ! " rain shouts back. 

" Aish this boy " Ple sighed in disbelief. Just then she saw her another friend running to her .

" Ple where is this idiot? " ???? asked taking deep breaths. 

" Oh inside.  He is not coming out its been 10 mins and iam shouting here and he is replying me the same answer " Just a minute ple " . Iam tired of him sky. If he wont come outside in another 5 mins we are surely gonna be late for P'Phayu's & P'Pai's concert ! " ple said whinning . Sky sighed and was about to run inside rain's house to drag him out . But rain came out running. 

" Lets go " Rain said happily while his friends were ready to beat the sh*t out of him .

" uh uh ok fine . Now lets run we are late already . " Sky said diverting the topic so rain wouldnt get his a*s kicked by ple . Three saw the time and ran to their car and drove off .

" What the he*l is wrong with you three? You are late " ??? Said in anger. 

" Ai sig shut your mouth for now.  You can rant after the concert " Rain said looking into his mobile at his idol's pictures with a smile. Sig was about to kick him but skyple calmed him .

At concert ..................................................

Phayu was singing while pai was playing guitar beside him . Fans were singing along with phayu happily . Rain , ple were looking at phayu . Sky was looking at Pai. Sig was capturing everything there taking photos of phayupai , rainskyple and himself . He just came to concert because rainskyple dragged him with them.  He just know phayupai were new singers in the music industry and they were already stealing young boys & girls hearts by their talent. 

Soon the concert completed and all the fans had sad smile on their faces .

" ohhhh you all look sad now ! Common na krub we will meet again soon.  We will always meet as we are gonna do small concerts in different places so every fan can meet us . For now we can enjoy our little time by staying together.  Khot tor na krub if any of our fans had any troubles here.  I hope our concert had gone well and it made you all happy . So lets talk in the fanmeet in just an hour again . I'll let pai talk or he will kick me cause iam stealing his spotlight today " Phayu said laughing and pai raised his leg to kick him . Phayu dodged the kick laughing.  Pai took the mic and started his speech .

" First of all thank you everyone for attending this mini concert and supporting us from the start . We are really glad that we are making you all smile and giving you all the love you need. As phayu said dont be sad lets just enjoy our present . Ohhh wait there will be surprise for you all . Actually as you know fanmeet is in an hour so some of you dont need to go out to spend your time. Phayu or i are gonna read some numbers who will stay with us and spend your time . Take your tickets and look at the numbers at the top right side. We will read the numbers and please come onto the stage . " Pai said and everyone screamed in joy . All took out their tickets . Rainple were hoping phayu would call their numbers and sky was hoping pai would call his number . Sig just took his ticket and  looked at it thinking ofcourse he is not gonna get picked out of all the fans. 

" So..... The numbers are 54  and 33 " phayu said the numbers . All started finding these two numbers . Sky's face lit up as he heard 33 number . He wanted to raise his hand but he looked towards his friends who were sighing in disappointment .

" What's wrong ?" sky asked  rainple .

" Its not our number.Only you got picked"rain said sadly . Ple agreed nodding . Sig gulped looking at his ticket. He pulled rain towards him & gave his ticket to rain and snatched rain's one .

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