Painful past

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Mention of :

{ i do not support any of the above acts (Hate , r*pe , blood) . This is just for entertainment purposes & if you don't like it then you can skip this chapter }

Vegas theerapanyakul and Pete theeranpa nyakul were married to eachother because they are mates . Everyone thinks that if they are already married then what's the problem?

Well the problem was vegas didnt like pete in any way . Vegas hates pete because of his soft & gentleness towards everyone .

As per vegas he wants someone who can actually be brave , strong & powerful . He never liked the cute , gentle & soft people because he thinks being like that is the waste of time & kind people doesnt get anything .

Vegas has always been a cruel & filled with hatred Alpha . And the reason was his own dad. His dad always treated him harshly & cruelly without even thinking that vegas was his son.

When vegas was young boy around 9 or 10 he was a happy child playing with his cousins & friends . But because of a small misunderstanding vegas's dad broke the relation with other family & trained vegas himself .

In his way training was almost killing his own blood . Vegas would cry & cry with the pain he felt which was given by his father even though there wasnt any mistake of his .

Vegas's dad filled the hatred in vegas completely burying his inner child inside which suffocated vegas for some time but he got used to it soon .

In his teens he was already an amazing fighter & shooter . Vegas did everything his father told him but he never had any satisfaction. He always blamed vegas for even a little mistake which caused vegas to get more cold & cruel to the world .

Being an alpha that too a son of the mafia wasn't an easy life. Vegas always tried to impress his dad but his dad never genuinely loved him . Only his mother & younger brother would love him truly so he always protected them from everyone even from his own father.

Once his father went out for a small mission which was actually a turning point for vegas. Vegas's dad was dead in that mission because of the bomb blast in the exact area where their clan went for the mission.

At this time vegas wasnt there at home ,he went to another important mission. For the first time vegas's mother was smiling happily through tears because her husband can no more rule their life's.

And she was glad that vegas wasnt home or else he would have died aswell . She thought maybe the death of his father could bring him back to normal but she was wrong. Vegas was same as before.

Vegas was a playboy ,he would only fu*k & have no any other relation with anyone. He would kill those who get pregnant or just abort the babies if he wasnt in the mood of killing.

Vegas was the most cruelest Alpha in his pack . After the death of his father all rights & powers were handed to him . Vegas accepted everything wholeheartedly.

But two people were not happy. Vegas's mother & his younger brother. They wanted their son/brother back . They wanted caring , cute , funny vegas back but it was to late .

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