Freaky Mistake ( AiNhai)

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This story includes Ai Nhai & Akk Ayan (eclipse couple )

" Ai iam bored can we just go somewhere else today ? Just two of us somewhere new to explore ? " akk said to ai .

" Yeaah iam bored of playing video games now. But where can we go ?" ai asked keeping his controller away ending the game in middle.

" Uhh wait lemme ask my online friend.  He may know some good places . He always used to ask me to go with him to some place paranormal house of this area . Should i ask him about that ?" akk asked excited. 

" Yeaah that's a good one though. Yah you idiot why didnt you tell me about them before ! Common ask him now about it " ai said smiling excited. 

" ok ok " akk said & took his 📱 & searched his online friend account  . He messaged him.


Hi ayan


Hi akk
what's up ?


Nothing much
just wanted ask you about the house you wanted to visit with me!  You said its a paranormal house right . Shall we go & explore it?



Yes ofcourse oh god i thought it wouldn't happen in this life!


Ohhh you idiot but its happening now! Btw iam gonna bring my friend aswell . He is bored of playing video games now. 

Oh ok no prblm. Yeah iam gonna bring my friend with me then . Btw is he
single ?

Yea why ? *jealous *

Nothing lets pair our friends & then lets get paired to each other. We can spend our time including exploring the house & eachother aswell 😏

I will kick your ass jackass . Stop that smrik . Btw iam not complaining about our friends pairing up though.  We can surely explore eachoth- i mean the house together. 

Okay then buddy let's meet in an hour at this address * Xxxxxxxx street,  69 house*
Bye akk


Bye jackass 😘

🙈😘bye hubby

" Idiot " Akk said smiling ear to ear.  Ai raised his eyebrow at akk & smacked his head. 

" Owwww bi*ch why did you smack me "akk groaned in pain rubbing his head. 

" i have to ask you why you smiling like a idiot !!!! Is your online friend that good that he made you smile more than anyone !" ai said glaring akk .

" Ohhh ok ok sorry . Yeah he is good i mean he is freaking good . As you saw he made me smile in just few talks . Btw he said yes for the invite & he is gonna bring his friend aswell . What do you say ? " akk asked ai who started thinking . Ai turned to akk and said " Yeah its fine . You are bringing me there & he is bringing his friend so its a tie & we would have equal pairs aswell . So lets get ready then "

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