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" Khun kinn krub khun gun sent you a letter . " Gaurd said bowing gaining attention from kinn who was cheking some files.

" Give it to me " Porsche said .

" Khot tor krub khun gun said only khun kinn can read it first ." Guard replied nervously . Kinn stretched his hand motioning guard to give the letter . Guard took the letter & gave it to him.

Kinn opened the letter after porsche walked behind him to read aswell .

Dear nephew ,
How are you ? I hope everything is fine in your life. How is porsche doing ? I hope he is fine aswell.
Lemme come to the point . I wrote this letter to you to warn you . Get ready kinn this fight is gonna start . But in end its either you or me. See you soon my dear nephew . You have 1 day to prepare.
Thank you

Yours loving
Uncle gun.

" Wtf" Porsche said with disbelief.

" Get ready for the fight everyone . This time its really either me or him . GET READY WITH THE WEAPONS . FIGHT IS GONNA START IN 24HOURS " kinn ordered crushing the paper with anger. All guards bowed & left to get ready for the fight .

Gun is kinn's dad's younger brother . Kinn's dad is Korn who was the head of major family but regarding his illness he had to pass his place to his middle son kinn. Korn has three sons first is Thankhun his elder son next is kinn the middle son & kimhan younger son.

Thankhun isnt intrested in these things, kim doesn't even stay at home that much so only kinn has ability to handle everything . Kinn accepted this place & hired new bodyguard that he accidently happened to meet near a bar .

He is porsche . Time passed making both of their grew feelings for eachother. Porsche hide it but kinn didnt. Kinn confessed porsche but porsche declined at first . He thought about the troubles he would get into if he agreed .

One day porsche was kidnapped and kinn was ready to shoot everyone . Soon Kinn saved him which impressed porsche. From that day porsche started to show is true feelings towards kinn. He started to trust kinn . In no time both confessed eachother & got together in a relationship .

But their time wasnt that good . Kinn had a cousin named vegas who was kind off intrested in porsrche at first . But as time passed kinn found out that vegas wasnt intrested in porsche but he was intrested in someone else who was close to porsche . So kinn ended all wrong perciptions .

Kinn ,vegas , porsche were likefriends/family now but when it comes to their work they became enimies. Vegas changed everything in him for his loved one. He doesn't like the fights now but his dad doesn't agree with him. In this fight vegas would surely take part.

The actual fear for three of them is that in the fights between major & minor family there are no emotions. They might kill each other just to win the first.
In these fights they might lose their family but they have to fight just for their dad's . Their dad's never had any relation or a brotherly hood feeling for eachother. So it made their sons rivals/competitors foe them. Their sons were like toys for them now . Kinn & Vegas were changed until this fight . Now they have to fight for their own families .

" kinn ?" Porsche called kinn who was in balcony smoking to forget everything for some time .

Porsche walked to kinn and back hugged him .

" Kinn ? " porsche whispered.

" Hmm " Kinn hummed .

" What's wrong ?" Porsche asked with love in his voice .

" nthg..just thinking about the fight ! I dont want it to start . " Kinn said with low voice .

" Dont worry babe its gonna be fine . I feel like with this fight everything is gonna end ! Lets just hope we dont lose any of our close ones." Porsche said with calm tone . Kinn turned around & hugged porsche burying his face in porsche's neck . Porsche smiled & carressed kinn's head with love . Soon they went to sleep.

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