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The four idiots

They studied in the same university but Phayu pai are friends and rainsky are friends .

PhayuPai are seniors whereas rainsky are juniors . Rain & Sky met phayu rain in a theatre as someone was disturbing rain & sky .

PhayuPai saved rain & sky from there and got to know that those two guys were their exes. From then four of them met eachother often . Sometimes they would go together like double date or sometimes just PhayuRain & Paisky .

As the time passed rain & sky got to know that phayu & pai are the sons of most well known mafia leaders in thailand aswell as international .

Rain & sky were in love with phayu & pai but them being in mafia scared them alot . They afraid they would lose their love .

Phayu & Pai knew rain & sky liked them so they made a plan to tease them but they suddenly had to go to a mission which was in abroad so they did .

Few days later Rain & Sky got to know that Phayu & Pai are in their personal hospital as they got injured during the mission.

Both drove to the hospital with tears in their eyes afraid of anything happening to their love .

When phayu &pai saw rain & sky infront of them with scary face both gulped in fear. But Rain & Sky immediately broke down into tears . They confessed while crying from fear of losing phayupai .

Phayu & pai took them in their arms and promised them that they will never leave them alone again and promised that they will be their sheild .

Phayu Pai Rain Sky are adults but when they are together alone they act like kids. They prank eachother , play games with eachother .

So today after a long time they got to spend their time with eachother. Rain & Sky started a fashion brand while phayu & pai became models for them .

Apart from their real identity literally everyone around the world are in love with them. Though they are children of mafia leaders their visuals , personality & behaviour were mattered more for fans .

So PhayuPai were in mafia aswell as models . From few days four were busy in their own works .

Phayu had nonstop meeting , pai had to go to other cities to check the work , rain was designing more clothes while sky was taking care of clothing such as printing , sewing , stitching .

Finally after 2& half months all got to rest . So today they were about to meet in their private house by the beach .

Phayu came to the beach first as he was around the area then sky came to the beach as he went to meet his dad who was just a little far from the house .

So both started talking and their brains clicked .

" nong sky Shall we prank Rain & Pai ?" Phayu asked suddenly with evil smile .

"Iam always in phi phayu " Sky said grinning .

" Ok so i will hide in our room and when rain comes tell him iam still not here . Then he will be alone in room ofcourse i will be there but i will scare him" Phayu said giggling .

" Ok phi phayu then lets hide everything that belongs to you cause they will be here in no time " Sky said making phayu nod .

Both hid all belongings , bags of phayu and prepared everything to prank rain. They were just completed but before they could take a breath they heard horn.

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