My professor

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If there are any mistakes then kindly ignore please 😅 have a nice reading time ☺️

* alarm * * ring * * ring * * ring *

" commonnnnn " a 22 year old boy whines hearing the alarm sound .

Then he realised that he had university today and had a test so he had to go early to uni .

He dismissed the alarm and woke up stretching his hands and legs with a smile . He got up moving the curtains away from windows making sun rays fall directly on his face .

His skin glowed golden in colour as soon as he opened the curtains. His eyes shimmered with glitter and his lips formed a beautiful smile .

If anyone sees him like this then that person will be so mesmerized by his beauty. In University almost everyone loves him so much . Because he never disrespected anyone , never neglected his studies or his responsibilities .

He was naughty but a good student. He loves playing piano and he loves to sing . Every person he knows are his fans ! Because his voice is so angelic and the way he sings he is so amazing.

Behind this beautiful life he has a dark trauma which is only known by his family and friends .

His name is kuea keerati . He is the only child in the family . His parents are one of the richest people in Thailand.

He has his own condo , his own car , his own bike which was brought by his own hard work . Kuea never used his parents wealth for his happiness . He never wanted the money so easily.

He does everything he can . He works part time jobs to get his own money . Maybe he uses his parents wealth sometimes but only for good things .

Kuea is a 3rd year University student . He has a best friend who is kon diao . They both studied together from 11th standard in Australia. When kuea said he will be moving to Thailand with his parents diao wanted to go.

Diao's family was already in Thailand from before . So he returned back to his home country with kuea and again they studied in the same college.

Kuea and Diao always wanted to do something big together. Kuea was really good at fashion designing. And diao was good at colour theory and clothing. They always wanted to open a boutique first and then expand their business and their own brand.

Now they have more friends who are actually interested in this field too. Syn & Nuea . Syn and Nuea were already a couple. They got to know kuea and diao on the first day of 2nd year. Syn was already in this college before Nuea . Because Nuea used to study in another state before he wanted to move in with syn here in Bangkok and study with him together.

Their families were happy with them. They were never against the relationship of NueaSyn. As Syn was really good at stitching the fabrics and making clothes he immediately clicked with kuea and diao. Nuea was good at fixing the wrong things ( clothes ) .

As they found the same course they wanted to open their own brand and designs in future .

So today was the day when kuea had to show his new Design ideas in his presentation. But the problem was he didn't complete his homework of his favourite handsome professor's subject. And he was scared to even step out of the house. His professor was strict and friendly at the same time.

He could help kuea and in the next second he could punish kuea for his mistakes. Kuea was a bright student but sometimes he becomes naughty and gets detention or other punishment by professors like cleaning the class or library or helping the staff and teachers in their work.

But kuea never complained about anything. He did everything he was told . Kuea always loved to help people so he was happy while doing everything. And another thing which was hidden from people was his crush on his favourite professor Lian .

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