Forgive me

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" chayy ? " kim called out for chay .

" Yes p'kim " chay replied coming out of bathroom .

" Are you sure you can go to university alone ? " Kim asked carressing chay's cheek .

Actually kim has to leave early for work everyday because of some mafia work . Its been 4months that kim is not able to spend his time with chay . But chay completely understand kim's situation so he never complains .

As chay was busy with his exams he never disturb kim . Today was his last day of exam . Few weeks back kim promised him that he will leave chay at university & pick him up by himself but suddenly kim's father called kim early morning and ordered to kim that he need go to the main family's house because of some important work.

At first kim refused and tried to tell his father that he had to take care of chay today . But his father didnt listen . Not being intrested to fight with his dad kim agreed .

Chay was happy that kim was going to drop him and pick him up later . He was so happy that he cleared all his plans with his friends . Kim felt so bad when he saw chay's happy face. When kim said he need leave early chay's face was completely dull . But being the baby of his phi chay smiled and told kim to go .

He knows that chay is sad but he doesnt show it out . Kim wanted to hit himself for upsetting chay . But chay understood him .

" Iam not alone p'kimmmmm..... Macau said he will pick me up & drop me off again at afternoon" chay said leaning onto kim's hand which was carressing his cheek .

" Iam really sorry baby " kim said pecking chay's lips .

" Its okay p'kim " chay said and kissed kim's cheek .

" Ok baby..... Ok then iam leaving , call me as soon as you reach the university and before you leave the university aswell . " kim said taking his belongings. Porschay noded and hugged kim . Kim hugged him back and kissed chay's cheek many times making him giggle .

" Okay go now. Lets spend our time next time " chay said pecking kim's lips .

" Ok baby . Bye and dont forget what i said to you . Call me as soon as you reach university and when you leave from there . Bye and love you baby " kim said leaving the house .

" Bye p'kim , love you too " Chay said smiling . He checked everything if he kept everything he needed for university and called macau .

" Hello chay "

" Hey macau you are coming to pick me up right "

" Yes chay i & p'pete are gonna pick you up exactly at 8 . Its 7:30 now . Be ready and i will call you when we reach there okay ? Come downstairs "

" Okay macau i will bye "

" Bye chay "


Later after university ...

Chay was walking in the hallway towards his locker with macau when someone screamed gaining attention of all students. All ran out including chay & macau to see a boy on ground with blood coming out of his head.

It seemed like he committed suicide . His friends were so shocked that they werent able to process everything. One student slowly walked while trembling towards the body and kneeled down taking a paper out of the pocket of the boy who jumped . She read it and looked towards everyone with teary eyes.

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