Forgive me 2

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After 2 years ......

These months were really amazing for both kim & chay. From the day they became boyfriend's to fiance's their life has been amazing . They grew more close & they became more understanding.

Both supported eachother in everything and helped eachother in their works . Chay is in the same university . He got good marks more like he was in the line of toppers . Kim was so proud of him . Chay was happy that he did his best .

He thought he was worried for nothing. But both hid few months that they were engaged. Just two months before chay completed his first year in university. Both decided to tell their families . Everyone was happy .

Porsche was kinda not okay at first but when he saw porschay he said okay . Porschay's happiness is important for him more than anything. Kim thanked porsche so much .

So from few days kim & chay suddenly felt like they want to be more . More than fiance . They wanted to get married . At first kim denied but chay made him tell the truth . When both found out that they were feeling the same . Kim said he wanted to tell everyone about this . Chay agreed .

They wanted to get married as soon as possible because they wanted to be eachother's completely . So today kim decided to tell their families that they want to get married even though chay is young. Chay himself said this to kim that he wants to marry despite his age .

Right now both were in major clan's mansion sitting on the chairs near lunch table . Everyone went silent as soon as kimchay said about getting married . But thankhun shouts causing everyone to shut their ears .

" Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa " Thankhun shouts .

" Shut up khun ! " Kim said while chay blushed .

" How can i shut up when my babies are getting married kim !!! You & chay are getting married " thankhun said jumping in happiness like a kid .

" Phi Khun please stop it " Chay said blushing . Kim chuckled at his baby's face.

" ohhhhh my baby chay is getting married!" thankhun said squealing in happiness .

" Did you all forget about me ! " Porsche said in shock .

" They don't remember us porsche" Kinn said .

" Exactly " VegasPete said with blank exapression.

" Close your mouths " Korn said making everyone go silent. He turned to kimchay who looked at him with a smile.

" You both know what you will deal with from now on . You will have to face everything together and should trust & help eachother ." korn said making kimchay nod .

" Yes we do pa & i promise we will do everything for eachother " Kim said interwining his hands with chay . Chay smiled happily and noded in agree.

" Ok then congratulations sons" korn said smiling happily . Everyone in the room smiled brightly as they saw korn smile . Yes they were shocked not because they were against it , because chay was still young . But they understood that both kim & chay were happy with their decision. Porsche smiled at his brother and glared at kim . Kim chuckled at that .

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