Mystery Racer

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Late night bangkok was shimmering with gold and white lights all over the city except the houses because almost everyone was asleep as it was past 11:30 . Except a few people and they were night racers and the racing fans .

The whole area was decorated with the lights and the fans who were dressed amazing like flowers . People were here and there waiting for the racers to come so they can bet on the one they think will win today's race.

Yes people bet on the racers and the money they bet will be given to the winners . So today was the most important race because it includes the most loving , talented racers. They will race with the other people and people will bet on them .

A girl dressed up in a hot night theme walked onto the stage gaining cheers , claps and praises from the audience. As soon as she started speaking everyone went silent to hear her because they knew she must have something important to say .

"I guess most of you already know me but if you don't then here it is my name is Lia and i welcome you all to the night race . Firstly please follow the rules of the place ! We have made new ones so make sure to follow them or you'll be banned from entering any racing circuits or racing nights in the whole country because we all are connected through our work . So don't ruin your fate by yourself . The rules are
1 . Do not argue or fight with anyone .
2 . Do not disrespect any girl or any guy .
3 . Do not go to racers without their own permission.
4 . Don't even dare to do something that can cause a major problem for us .
5 . And if someone approaches you by our name then don't trust them.
Because in last night's race there was a guy who approached a girl using our name and she was almost molested by the guy ! If our racer didn't see the guy then maybe she wouldn't have been alive by now ! So girls be careful and don't trust anyone . If you feel bad vibes from anyone then move from there. And if anyone touches you inappropriately then inform me or the guards and we will take care of those basterds for you . But that doesn't mean you can bully boys though ! Don't do anything that can harm anyone else here . Remember the rules . If you follow it'll be a happy night , if you don't then be ready to have a nightmare for your whole life .

So here is the moment you all have been waiting for . Our most talented and winning racers tonight . Well it's kind of sad cause phayu won't join because he is busy with his boyfriend " lia said making phayu glare at her while prapai , korn and the audience teased phayu and his boyfriend rain .

" sorry sorry mr " lia said looking at phayu while laughing. Phayu just looked at her like he would throw her off the highway . Audiences laughed and cheered for the couple Rain placed his hand on phayu's shoulder calming him while prapai and Korn teased them again.

" ohoooo I miss my nong sky now " prapai said with a teasing smile just then he heard his husband's voice coming from behind .

" why phi pai ? We live in one house and you miss me already ! It's not even an hour since we parted and you are complaining again ! " sky's voice echoed as everyone cheered hearing their beloved pai's husband's voice . Pai smiled and turned around looking at his baby who was dressed up in a shirt which was exactly like the one he wore it's just ky was wearing white .

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