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" Sky lets go out tonight ! " rain said popping out of nowhere starling sky who was busy in his work .

" Raiiiin! Stop scaring me like that " sky said keeping his hand on his heart.

" Hehe sorry na kyyyy " rain said with a cute smile . Sky chuckled & pinched rain's cheeks making him giggle .

" where do you want to go ?" Sky asked turning to rain who sat on couch .

" Uhmmmmmmmm where should we goooo ?" Rain started thinking with a cute face again sky chuckled at him & continued his work .

" tell me after you find out where you wanna go " Sky said continuing what he was doing . Rain hummed & started thinking again .

No one knew how time passed but still rain wasnt able to final where they would be going tonight. Sky's mobile ringed starling him again .

" oyyyyyyy why is everyone scaring me like this ! " Sky groaned in frustration . He saw the caller id & smiled . Sky pocked it up .

"P'Pai "

" Did i disturb you baby ?"

" nope not at all phi "

" Hmmm that's my baby . What are you doing ? Where are you now ?"

" Nothing just completing the project i told you about & iam in my condo with rain "

" Oh that rainy boy is there too ! That's good . On the speaker baby we need to ask you both something "

" We ?"

" Hi sky , its me phayu . Could you please turn on the speaker ?"

" Ohhh phi phayu hello . Yeah sure...... Rain come here you idiot "

" What is it sky !!! " rain whined but stopped when he heard phayuvs voice .

" Babyyyy stop whinning already . Its me who told him to call you " phayu said .

" Ohhhh hello phi phayu. How come you call sky ?"

" Oh i & pai met in family business meeting . So we got to know that there would be a party tonight and our parents told us to invite you two aswell . So we thought why not ? So would you two love to go to the party tonight with us as our partner ?" Phayu asked .

" Uhh ofcourse yes phi YOU STILL ASKING US PERMISSION" Rain shouts in exictment. Sky laughed at rain's behavior.

" What about you sky ?" Pai asked

" I would love to p'pai " sky replied with a smile .

" Ok then be ready at 6 pm . Our guard will pick you up at exact 6:10 . You gotta be there around 6:35 or 6:40 . Ok baby & nong rain ?"Pai asked with a sweet tone .

" Krub P'Pai " Sky said smiling sweetly .

" Ok phi pai " rain said smiling.

" Ok then baby see you in evening " phayu said.

" Bye baby " Pai said .

" Bye P'Phayu / Pai " rain and sky said. Sky hung up the call & looked towards rain.

" What you gonna wear rain ? " Sky asked curiously .

" I know what i have to wear . What about you ? " Rain asked with a tease smile .

" I got mine too . Ok then lets get ready its already 4pm . Iam going to shower. "Sky said getting up from his chair .

" Ok kyyyyy ,bye " rain said walking out of the apartment . Sky locked the main door & left to shower.

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