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" P'Kim? " Porschay called Kim as he saw he was wearing his coat getting ready to go to work .

" Yes baby ? " Kim replied still facing towards mirror .

" You are leaving early again ?" chay said walking to kim . Kim turned around & pulled chay by his waist .

" Yes baby . I got heaps of work to do . Its been hectic at work from few weeks . We got so much work to complete . Iam sorry to leave like this & not spend my time with you ! Please forgive me baby" Kim said with sad face. Chay smiled hurtly & kissed kim's cheeks & tied the tie for kim .

" Its okay P'Kim , i can understand that you have work . Its just... Iam worried you might get sick. You are stressed about the work . Iam scared you might not take care of your health ! " chay said hugging kim . Kim buried his face in chay's neck .

" Dont worry baby....I'll try to complete the work soon & return to you." kim said backing away from hug kissing chay's forehead & pecking his lips.

" its okay phi kim . No need to hurry ! You can complete the work in your given time . Dont stress about anything " Chay said with a smile .

" Okay baby . I gotta go now . I Love you, bye "

" I love you too p'kim . Bye "

KimChay walked to the main door . Kim kissed chay's cheeks & left .

* Door closed *

Chay's pov

" Ahhhhhhh my stomach " i groaned in pain as my stomach started hurting .

Its been paining from yestetday. I feel weak & i vomitted six to seven times, i feel pain near my abdomen . I didnt tell this to p'kim cause he is already stressed out from his work . I cant stress him more.

I walked towards bathroom as i felt iam gonna through up again .

Few minutes later ......

I walked into kitchen with difficulty after brushing up. I poured a glass of water & drank it completely . And took deep breaths .

" Its okay chay just few more hours , P'kim is gonna come back to you honey" My inner voice said .

" Yes p'kim is gonna be back soon. Lets eat something first . " i got myself together & made myself ramen with difficulty . Then i walked out of kitchen into living room & sat on the couch turning on the tv.

I just kept k-drama & started watching it while eating ramen. It was becoming difficult to eat . But i have to eat to have some strength . I will go to doctor later.

Few mins later.......

I washed the dishes after turning off tv & took my books to study . Time passed but i wasnt able to concentrate on my studies. The pain in near my abdomen is increasing more & more by the time passes .

I think i have to skip the university tomorrow ! Iam not able to study . I cant attend & write the test without studying !

I closed my books & saw the time was already 1:00 . P'Kim normally leaves for his work around 10 but he left at 9 today.
" Oh god i have to make the lunch again!" I walked into the kitchen to make something but i ran to the wash basin throwed up again .

" P'Kim please come back soon. I cant do this anymore . I cant bear this pain anymore . " I thought as tears started to flow out of my eyes as the pain was getting unbearable.

I washed my face , mouth then wash basin immediately walked upto our room to call p'kim. I know i dont want him to know that iam suffering like this but i dont have any energy left in me anymore.

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