hate to love

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Kimhan theerapanyakul the 3rd youngest  sibling of theerapanyakul family . Has two elder siblings and two cousins .

Parents of all are dead in some shootout few years back . Kimhan is actually introvert mixed with a little extrovertness.

Sometimes he likes to stay alone but sometimes he wants to be where the people are . He wants the presence of some people around him .

Mostly he doesnt like to communicate but when he is home he will talk because him , his brothers & cousins are close .

They love and respect eachother so much. Kimhan has two elder brothers and they are Thankhun theerapanyakul and Kinn theerapanyakul . His cousins are Vegas theerapanyakul and Macau theeranpanyakul .

Being the youngest in his family he has so much freedom . He lives alone most of the time but every weekned he comes back to his main house because the elder brother of everyone , thankhun wants everyone to be at main house for sure because he was mother & father to them since their parents left this world .

Thankhun was so energetic yet problematic aswell . His looks are so mesmerizing and adoring but his behaviour is totally opposite to his looks.

Though he is weird his heart is genuine . He cares about everyone but kim has his heart more . Kim was always close to tankhun . Though they dont speak they know eachother so well that they can understand eachother with just a look. 

Kim was constantly going overseas or other cities reharding his work . He was so famous with the titles of handsome mafia &  mafia with angel voice .

He loves to sing when he cant express by words. Kim always goes here and there so he had to take his bodyguards with him always . Poor guards has to roam around with him . Guards were so tired of him but they shut their mouths because they love their lifes & job .

Just a little tongue slip will cause a bullet exactly in middle of their forehead. But kinn knows how tiring it is for guards to be with kim so he appointed two guards who were quite good in their skills and aswell as they were so in travelling .

It was good for kim and them . Those bodyguards were Porsche pachara kittisawasd and Porchay pachara kittisawasd  . Both were siblings and were mostly intrested in same things .

Kinn appointed porsche & porchay for kim but mostly he takes porsche with him cause he was somewhat interested in him.

Meanwhile kim liked his bodyguard. He likes to tease porchay so much that porchay gives up . Kim was so introvert before meeting chay but after meeting him kim changed a little .

He used to come home once a week but now he comes home almost everyday like he stay there almost everyday.  Because porsche & porchay stays there in main house because they were one of main guards there. 

Kim always wanted to see the little guard infront him . Though chay was a little short than kim or little masculine than kim he was so good in his skills , no one knows from where chay get energy because he was always ready for any consequence.

That's what kim likes in chay . He loves the energy chay radiates. Kim has always been cold & distant to everyone except to his family & cousins well cousins are his family now.

But suddenly he was changing.  He spends his time out talking with guards sometimes going out . Thankhun was so happy that kim was changing because he was worried that kim would be all alone in this filthy world. 

Though they were so ruthless & cold towards outsiders ( mostly for enemies ) they still had a heart. Others would express their feelings but kim never did. He stayed alone , cried alone , lived alone , growed alone in his own world. 

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