my handsome step dad

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( disclaimer : English is not my first language so please bear it if there are any mistakes. 

If the sentence or paragraph is in this font it means it's kuea's or lian's pov

Normal font like right now means third person's pov like you or me )

" kuea wake up baby " an elderly woman in her 30's called out her son who was sleeping soundly. Hearing his mother's calm voice kuda woke up smiling greeting his mom .

" Good morning mae" kuea said hugging her .

" Good morning baby ! How was your sleep ? I hope you got good dreams though.  Btw did you get everything ready ? I told you we will meet your step dad today right ? " She said smiling brushing his hair out of his face. 

" Yesh mae I did everything and I am so excited to meet him . I hope everything goes well for us today ! I got amazing sleep and mae I saw that I was in a relationship with someone ! " Kuea said making his mom gasp .

" Is he handsome ? " She asked immediately which made both of them burst into laughter. 

" Mae ! I couldn't see his face at all . You woke me up as soon as I was about to see his face" kuea pouted causing her mom to laugh nervously.

" Ohh my baby mae is sorry to wake you up ! It's ok you will find your one soon . Go get ready so we can eat breakfast together." She says brushing his hair . Kuea looked at her and smiled happily as his cheeks looking so shiny and pinch able !!


" Well yeah that's me excited to meet my step dad a few months back ...and i swear i didn't expect him to be this  breathtaking . The second I stepped into his house with my mom i stopped breathing because of  his existence. I mean who can be this handsome, bulky , dominant and perfect in every freaking way ! God-i mean i would thank God millions of times for making this man born on the human land as a human and as an important person in my life ! ....I can't believe I am still living with this guy in the same house , under the same damn roof . Like ain't i lucky as fuck ?

Let me introduce him to you with the photo of him which I took secretly
You ready for it folks ?

His name is Lian
Age is 33
He is a CEO
He is multi talented.

This was taken on a product launch day of his company

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This was taken on a product launch day of his company. I died as soon as I saw him at the venue . And there was another pic taken by some people of i and him where he was showing me the jewellery inside the box .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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