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« yunjin.. » haewon sneered.

the two girls were glaring at each other, and if looks could kill, they'd both be wiped out.

« what are you doing here?! » i asked yunjin. why were all the seats near me conveniently available for her??

« i'm trying to eat. duh? » yunjin replied. « there are no other tables open. »

« well why are you sitting here? find someone place else, i don't care if you find a table or not » haewon demanded.

yunjin didn't answer, she just sat there playing with her food.

i sighed before looking over to haewon who was still glaring at the girl. i raised an eyebrow before going back to my food.

before i knew it, she grabbed me and pulled me out into the halls.

« hey! i was eating. » i shrieked at her. she stood across from me, her hands resting on her hips.

« seriously, y/n? i told you she's here to bother
you. »

« haewon, i'm telling you. you have to control yourself around yunjin. she hasn't done anything. » i told her.

« no, y/n. she doesn't need to be around us. » she argued.

« we're at the same school, so you'll obviously be seeing her around more. just ignore her. » i groaned. i don't understand why she was making such a big deal about yunjin being here. of course i didn't want her here, but she needed to control herself.

« well, what do you want me to do? what if she sticks around you and you end up falling for her again? » haewon was starting to yell again so i shushed her.

« it doesn't matter. she doesn't like me and i don't like her- and that's final. » even though i told her this a million times, she still looked doubtful.

« if it makes you feel better, i'll avoid her at all costs. » i said.

« you'd better. » she muttered.

i was about to walk off but haewon grabbed me again.

« you know i care for you, right? » she sweetly asked. and just like that, her whole demeanor changed.

« of course i do. » i nodded, trying to let go of her hand, but she didn't want to let go of mine.
« haewon let go- »

« and you know that whatever i'm supposed to be doing, i'm doing it for you? because i care for
you. » she asks again.

uh huh?

« listen, haewon, i appreciate it, but you know i can handle myself. » i reassured her, before she could argue with me. i let go of her hand to go to my next class, leaving her standing there.

she's not going to be too happy about that.

as soon as i took my seat, i heard someone next to me.. again.

« seriously?! »

i looked up, and to my dismay, yunjin was standing right next to my seat.

« you could say that again. » i muttered to myself.

she sighed, placing her bag down and sitting next to me.

« okay, seriously. why do you have all the s- »

« don't start. » yunjin cut me off. « it's just a coincidence, okay? »

« okay.. well can i see your schedule? » i asked her. she rolled her eyes at me before handing me the paper.

« what! no way we have the same schedule! » i shrieked at her. she glared at me before snatching the paper from my hands. rude.

« i already told you: it's just a coincidence. » she repeated.

« i didn't say anything. » i replied.

gee why was she so rude? she had a horrible attitude and didn't even want to be around me. how could i've liked her in the first place!?

before she could say something back, the professor walked in the room. i opened my notebook, trying to focus on anything but yunjin.

throughout the day, i tried my hardest to ignore yunjin. it was pretty hard, especially because all the seats next to me were somehow open.

i walked out of school, frustrated by this, until i felt someone's hand on my shoulder. wha-

« y/n. »

i jumped in shock. « oh! haewon. it's just you. » i said.

« what do you mean? were you expecting someone else? » she questioned.

« what-no! sorry, i was just thinking. » i replied. she looked doubtful, but shrugged it off as we walked to wait for the bus together.

i knew that haewon would be wondering if i saw yunjin again today. i decided not to tell her, especially after the way i saw her act earlier.

« did you see encounter her again? » of course she asked.

i nervously gulped, keeping my eyes to the floor. i knew she was staring at me.

« well. » i cleared my throat. « did you know i had math today? »

« yeah, i saw it on your schedule. but you're not answering my question- »

« oh! isn't the bus going to be here soon? » i cut her off, hoping she would drop the topic. i grabbed her hand, pulling her over to the bus.

she's going to bother me the whole ride..

once we sat down in the back, i let go of her hand.

« wait, i think i forgot something. you can go home without me. » i blurted out.

« wait wha- » she looked at me, puzzled. i got up and ran off the bus before she had time to answer me.

as soon as i got off, the bus doors closed. i saw her looking at me through the window- and she was pissed. i had never been more afraid in my life.

the good thing was that she still didn't know about all my classes with yunjin. hopefully she's not too upset with me..

would y'all be down for a oneshots book ??

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