from me

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a smile made it's way to my lips as i stood in front of the hospital building. i couldn't believe it, but i was finally going to see yunjin.

i quickly walked up the front desk, trying to grab the nurses attention, but she seemed busy.

while i waited for her to be done, i saw a tall man in an all black suit from the corner of my eye. i sensed he was looking at me, so i slowly turned around.

shivers went down my spine when i saw him staring directly at me. not to be a judgemental person, but he looked kinda creepy, so i looked away.

" excuse me? " i heard him clear his throat as he approached me.

" are you hara y/n? " he asked.

i raised an eyebrow at him and felt my heart skip a beat as i eyed him suspiciously. first he stares at me like a creep, and now he knows my name?!

" uh, no. you must have the wrong person sir. " i lied, backing away from him.

" no, i know you, hara y/n. you're miss haewon's friend. " he stated.

i felt my palms start to sweat and i nervously gulped what the hell? how does he know her?

oh, right.

" don't take me for a fool, y/n. i have eyes
everywhere. "

right. that's what she told me when she found out i'd gotten close to yunjin while she was gone.

" uh, no. you have the wrong person. i'm visiting from america. i came here to get my first check
up " i lied.

he didn't seem to believe my horrible lie. he took a step closer to me and pulled his phone out.

" hey! what are you doing? i really am from america. you know, you shouldn't take pictures of people without their consent! " i said in a faux accent, raising my voice higher.

i've already come so far, and i wasn't going to leave this hospital without seeing yunjin.

he faced his phone up to me, and i panicked and tried to reach for it, but he stepped away just in time for the flash to go off.

" hey! " i shrieked and reached out, but just in time, someone bumped into him making him drop his phone.

" whoops, sorry! i didn't see you there. " the girl apologized with a sheepish smile.

before he can react, i stepped on his phone until it cracked.

" what the fuck are you doing! " he angrily said, pushing me away.

before i could fall to the ground, the girl held my arm to make sure i didn't lose my balance.

i was going to thank her, but had no time because she man suddenly spoke into his watch.

" i need back-up at the front. my phone is
broken. " he faced me with me a glare.

backup? there's more?!

" let's go. " the girl said grabbing my hand so we could run outside.

i felt defeated because i wasn't able to see yunjin. but leaving now was certainly better than having haewon find out i was here.

" thanks, uh.. " i trailed off when i realized i didn't know her name.

" oh, right! my name's kim jiwoo. " she replied with a smile.

" and you're welcome. i could tell that guy was bothering you back there. " she added and i nodded.

" you're right, thank you for helping me though. anyways, since it's late, i think we should both head home. " i said.

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