falling asleep again

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why the hell did i even go back here.

for all i know, haewon might be here, lurking around kyujin's house. she'd probably show up when i least expected it, as always.

" here goes nothing, " i muttered to myself as i knocked on the door.

i knew going here to see kyujin was a bad idea. but, at the end of the day she was still my friend, and i wanted to give her 'the benefit of the doubt.'

" y/n, hi. come in. " kyujin ushered me inside, and closed the door behind me.

" i know the last you came here.. it was a mess. but no one's here but us, so please make yourself comfortable. " she smiled at me.

i quickly glanced around to see if we were alone, and she was right. but who knows, she still could be in this with haewon.

" if you don't believe me, we can go up to my room? that way you're really comfortable. " she offered.

i just nodded my head and followed her upstairs. i didn't know what she wanted to talk about, but i hope she'd tell me the truth.

" listen, i just wanted to apologize for what happened last time. and i really did no- "

" if this is about the letters i don't want to talk about it. i've already forgotten about those. " i cut her off.

" no, not that. i just wanted to help clarify some things. " she chuckled.

" it's okay kyujin. it's not your fault. " i sighed.

whether she did it or not, at the end of the day haewon was behind this all.

" anyways, what did you really wanna talk about today? " i asked.

for a moment, she looked around her room, averting her eyes away from mine. i didn't know if she was contemplating whether to say it or not, or if she couldn't find the right words.

" haewon is leaving the country again. " she admitted.

i just stood there, blinking my eyes at her as i analyzed the information. did she really think i would care about that?

" are you trying to bait me right now? " i irritably asked.

" bait you? what do you think- no! she told me that herself, i'm just telling y- "

" so she got you to tell me that she's leaving? " i interrupted.

" no. she did not tell you to tell me that. i just though you should know.. if she didn't tell you already. " she sheepishly explained.

" no, i didn't know that. " i muttered.

i honestly have no idea if she'd telling the truth or not. but, she could be lying since haewon is already aware of my plans to leave.

" well, aren't you supposed to see her off? " kyujin asked.

" there's no need to. from now on, i don't speak to haewon. " i told her.

" why not? did something happened between you two? " she questioned.

" okay kyujin, don't pretend like you don't know anything. you know how haewon is, and you know what's been happening between us. i'm not even sure i can trust being around you right now- "

" but you can trust me! i don't know what i can do or say to make you believe me y/n! " she snapped, raising her voice and clenching her fists.

" haewon is my best friend. but so are you y/n. if something's going on, you can tell me. " she calmly spoke.

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