wheel of the year

190 14 25


" y/n.. you finally decided to give me your
number. "

" i know.. i'm sorry lily. but i really need you right now. " i said.

" what's wrong? "

" can i come over? i need an escape. " i asked.

i waiting for her response, praying she'd say yes. i knew it was bold asking to come over, but i really didn't have any other choices.

" of course. do you remember my address? "

" yeah, i'm on my way there. "

" i'll be waiting for you outside. "

after ending the call, i mentally thanked myself for remembering where she lived. i didn't have money or anything, so i had to run to her house.

as soon as i reached her house, i stopped on her lawn for a moment. i needed to catch my breath before going to greet lily. i was about to run to her, but i saw i had a text from haewon.

don't move. i know where you are.

my eyes widened and i immediately looked around. about a block away, i saw a black car speeding in my direction. panic coursed through my body so i ran to the front door, and there lily was.

" y/n! are you okay? you seem like you're in a
ru- "

" lily, she's coming here! help me, please. " i blurted out.

" wait, what? who? " she questioned.

in the distance, i can hear the car screeching to a stop. i felt my heart race and my palms start to sweat.

this can't be happening right now.

" okay what the hell is going on. who is that- " she said and pointed behind me, but i didn't bother looking.

i was about to reply, when i heard the sound of a car door slamming. lily did too, because she looked behind me and her jaw dropped.

" she's- "

i was cut off when she grabbed me by my waist, and kissed me. i was too shocked to move or react in any way. all i felt my heart thrashing in my chest, and her soft lips on mine.

i didn't know why she was kissing me, but i almost wished she didn't. if haewon was seeing this right now, she'd go mad.. again.

we both stayed like this until the car drove off. it was only then that lily pulled away and looked around.

" she's gone. " lily whispered.

" what was that for? " i asked.

she shyly smiled at me and chuckled lightly.

" we should go inside, it's cold. " she replied, grabbing my hand and leading me inside.

almost all the lights were off, so i assumed everyone was asleep. i felt guilty for waking lily up so late.

" i'm sorry for being a disturbance. " i apologized in a whisper.

" don't apologize, it's okay. we should go up to my room before my parents wake up though. " she assured, before leading me up to her room.

" so.. do you mind explaining what happened? " she asked as soon as she sat on her bed.

" i didn't want to run away, but i needed a break.. from my friend. " i explained.

" why was she chasing you? did you steal from  
her? " she joked.

" i wanted to visit yunjin, but she stopped me and threatened to hurt her if i went to see her. " i sighed.

labyrinth; haewonWhere stories live. Discover now