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" i would like to excuse hara y/n. "

haewon sternly said, glaring directly at me as if she was talking to me.

of course she had to walk in on us like this. i didn't get the chance to see how haewon was feeling earlier. but now, i had no doubt about it, she was furious.

" go ahead. " our professor said, allowing me to leave the room.

i slowly got up and walked over to haewon with my head down. as soon as we were outside she shut the door and grabbed my hand.

" what was that? " she immediately questioned.

" what was what? " i replied, still not looking up at her.

" i came to see you because kyujin and yoona told me you were looking for me. now i find you getting close with yunjin? " she fumed.

" i-it's not what you think it is! we were just doing an activity and- "

" what kind of activity requires you to get close with her? " she scoffed.

" i already told you, it's not what you think it is- "

i didn't get to finish my sentence when she lifted my chin up with her finger. i still tried to look at anything but her.

" why can't you look me in the eye and tell me it was nothing then? are you lying? " she muttered.

upon hearing that i finally looked at her. her face was emotionless, but her eyes carried some feelings.

" it was nothing. " i repeated, before pushing her hand off of me.

" i was looking for you earlier because i wanted to talk, but it seems like you were busy. " i admitted.

" there was an emergency. " she whispered.

when i looked at her again, she looked sad. tears were forming in her eyes, so i immediately felt alarmed.

" what happened? " i asked.

" nothing- i'll tell you later. for now, what was it you were going to tell me? " she sniffed before sweetly smiling at me.

" oh-uhm, i think you already know.. " i told her.

" hm? " she hummed in response, looking at me confused.


" yunjin.. she- we both have all of our class together. " i blurted out. i let out a small laugh and smiled at her, hoping it would at least make the atmosphere lighter. but she just stared at me again.

" don't worry though. we're just seatmates. " i quickly added.

" and i know not to do anything stupid- "

i immediately shut my mouth when she stepped closer to me. i took a step backwards, only to be met with the wall. cliché.

" uh, what are you doing? " i asked, putting my hands on her shoulders to prevent her from coming any closer.

" stay away from her. " she lowly muttered.

" i know! but she hasn't- "

" i don't like her for you, y/n. isn't that a good enough reason? " she asked.

" okay, you're right. i get your point. you don't have to be this close to me for me to hear you. " i gently pushed her away.

" why? you were this close with her earlier. i can't do that too? " she finally spoke.

yet again, she put her face closer to mine with that same smirk on her lips. my hands on her shoulders were useless against her, and i felt my back hit the wall again.

seriously, y/n?

" i see you were this close. " she stated.

i felt my face heat up, but it worsened when i noticed her eyes move down to my lips.


" and she was looking at you like this. " she whispered.

i gasped due to the small distance between us, so i tapped her shoulder as a signal for her to step back.

my heart sped up when she leaned in, surprising me with a kiss on the cheek, before stepping back and grinning at me.

" you're blushing hard. " she teased me with a giggle.

it felt like the temperature in the halls had just drastically risen.

" anyway, i'll get going now so you can get back to your activity. remember what i told you, okay? " and just like that she was gone again.

what just happened?

i stood out there for a moment, before walking back inside the class.  

thankfully, nothing was different between me and yunjin. we were still quiet in all of our classes and barely interacted with each other unless we had to.

later i was walking to the bus stop, hoping i would run into haewon.

" y/n. " 

i felt someone touch my arm. i looked back and immediately smiled- one that she returned.

" haewon. hi. i was coming to look for you here. " i told her.

" i was looking for you too. " she replied with a smile.

we both stood there waiting for the bus, her hand slipping into mine. she intertwined her fingers with mine, and once again i felt my heart race.

in that moment, i suddenly remembered what happened earlier. what she did in the hallway.

" anyways, what was that emergency you were telling me about? " i suddenly asked.

" oh, that? " she sighed.

" you know my parents are in the netherlands for business, right? " she asked.

" mhm. " i hummed in response.

" their secretary called me earlier. she said i had to go there to take care of something. " she continued.

" okay.. what's the matter though? " i asked.

" well, i-i need to go there for a while. " she answered. she was looking at the ground the whole time she was talking, and i felt her hand grip mine tighter.

" something bad happened there? " i questioned.

" i.. don't know. i just don't want to go. " she admitted.

" why? if it's that important you should be able to excuse yourself from class. " i offered.

" no, it's not that. " she muttered.

" i.. i just don't get what you mean by going there. you're going to l- " i didn't get to finish because she turned to me with sad eyes, nodding in response.

" y/n i'm going to leave, and i don't know how long it'll be. "


she looks so good bye

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she looks so good bye

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