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double updating today 🤍


" did you miss me, love? "

i immediately turned around, eyes widened when i felt her hug me from behind.

" haewon?! " i shrieked.

" i missed you. it feels so good to to touch you again. " she lowly whispered into my ear.

so much was going on at once. yunjin rejecting me again, and now was here instead of the netherlands. it didn't feel real.

she pulled away and smiled at me.

" how have you been? " she asked.

" wha.. what are you doing here? " i questioned.

" well the business is going good now, my parents don't need me there anymore. i'm here to stay for good. " she explained.

" b-but you were just there when we called- "

" oh, right. that's why i had to hang up. i needed to catch my flight. are you surprised? " she grinned at me.

of course i was surprised. i was happy she's here, but it all seems so sudden. i couldn't even speak properly.

" obviously i surprised you. you're speechless! " she giggled.

i forced out a smile and looked away from her. my face traveled to where yunjin's car was driving off.

i felt haewon's hand hand slip into mine and felt her move closer.

" shall we go home now? i feel tired from my
flight. " she asked.

i nodded and let her lead me to the car. i was still shocked, and i don't think my brain was processing what was going on.

even when i was walking to school, i couldn't believe haewon was here and holding my hand. i really was happy she was here, but still upset because of yunjin.

" y/n you know i've really missed you. why are you being so quiet- "

" last night. why were you at the mall? you said you were tired from your flight, so why didn't you go straight home? " i interrupted.

it seemed like too much of a coincidence. haewon gets here the day i decide to confess to yunjin, and she shows up right after it happens. it was so strange.

" uh, well i went to pick something up, but then i saw you and forgot. " she reasoned.

i didn't wanna push her and possibly upset her, so i just stayed quiet on our walk to class.

i expected to see yunjin already there, but her seat was empty. i know she rejected me, but a part of me really wanted to see her.

" what are you doing over there? you should sit here. " she offered, pointing to yunjin's char.

" that's.. not my seat anymore. " i stated.

" why? no on- " haewon was interrupted by yunjin walking in and silently sitting in between us.

" you're back. " yunjn blankly said.

" what's wrong? are you scared i'm going to take something from you? " she asked.

yunjin minded her own business and didn't reply. she didn't glance at haewon at all after that, but i did catch her looking at me a few times.

thankfully, after that nothing else really happened during class. just like i expected, after class was over, haewon dragged me outside and didn't give me time to talk to yunjin.

labyrinth; haewonWhere stories live. Discover now