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[ play the song at the top when i say so ! ]


it was already the day of lily's party. i was still surprised yunjin decided to go with me.

" have you guys talked to haewon? " i questioned yoona and kyujin.

" uh, we texted a little bit. you? " kyujin replied.

" no. i guess she's still mad at me. " i lied. she was actually blowing up my phone last night, but i couldn't tell her friends that.

" did you tell her about that party you're going
to? " yoona asked.


" uh, no. and i think it's best you guys don't say anything to her. " i told them. if she found out i was going to hang out with both lily and yunjin- i'd be scared to find out her reaction.

" why? she should know, or else she'll be worried about you. " kyujin stated.

" exactly. but don't worry guys, there'll only be a few close friends attending. " i lied.

the two of them looked at each other, but eventually shrugged it off.

let's hope they don't end up telling her about this.

after lunch, i went to my locker like usual to grab some books. when i saw the letter slipped inside, i furrowed my eyebrows.

i opened the letter and gasped when i saw what was written beside.

" we'll be together soon, love. "

i blinked my eyes repeatedly at the new nickname. i didn't know if i should be scared or not, but i really hoped this was all a prank.

as usual, i crumpled the letter up and threw it the trash before going to my next class.

" hi. "

i was listening to the lecture when someone poked my shoulder.

" what? " i asked yunjin.

" we're still on for tonight, right? " she asked.

" yeah, obviously i'm going. " i told her.

" perfect. give me your address so i can pick you up. "

oh my god. did she just-

i tried to suppress the smile that was forming on my lips as i teared a piece of paper from my notebook, wrote my address, and gave it to her.

" nice. be ready by 7! "

it was 6:30 and i was nervously pacing around the living room. i had never been to a party before, especially not one with yunjin, so i was nervous.

as if on cue, i heard a knock on the door. i went to go get it, and there she was.

" hi. " she greeted.

" uh, hey. aren't you a little early? " i asked.

" no, i like being early. but if you're not ready i'll be happy to wait for you. " she said.

yunjin was wearing simple clothes, but managed to look super stylish as always. i was jealous she was able to pull off anything.

" no it's fine. let me just grab my things from upstairs. " i told her, before running upstairs to my room.

i grabbed the gift i bought for lily and was about to run back downstairs when i saw my outfit.

" ugh, i'll look horrible next to yunjin. " i complained to myself.

labyrinth; haewonWhere stories live. Discover now