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" you.. look so beautiful. "

i screamed into my pillow for what seemed like the 100th time as i replayed yunjin's words.

ever since the party a few hours ago i had been a mess. my heart was beating like crazy and i couldn't sleep at all. the only thing i could think about was yunjin.

i checked the time on my phone, and was surprised to see it was 3:00. i didn't know i had been awake for that long.

anyways, since it was only a few hours until breakfast, i decided i should keep myself busy. it wasn't like i was going to be able to fall asleep either way.

in that moment, i remembered haewon. i felt guilty, because i was still avoiding her. no matter how overprotective she was, or how many times she scolded me for no reason, she was still my best friend and i was really missing her.

i calculated the time it would be for her, probably around 18:00, she's probably still awake. and now would be a good time to make up with her.

i grabbed my phone and clicked her contact, sending her a message.

hi haewon, i'm really sorry for avoiding you. if you're awake and willing to talk to me, can we?

i'm still scared of her horrible anger issues, but i was going to have to talk with her sooner or later.

however, she immediately texted back.

haewon 💗
why are you still up?? isn't it 3 there?

i sighed in relief at her response. it didn't seem like she was angry with me anymore.

yeah, but i can't sleep. have u eaten yet?

instead of her texting me back, she immediately called me.

" why are you up so early?! and why havent you been answering my calls? "

here we go again..

" okay, you can't be too mad at me. you kept scolding me. "

" you kinda deserved it. now what's the matter? "

i cleared my throat before speaking.

" you see, theres this.. friend of mine who keeps asking me for advice, and i don't know what
to do. "

it was silent on the other line, so i didn't know if she was trying to figure everything out.

" what happened with your friend? "

i told her everything that happened at the party, but in a way that she wouldn't know it was me i was talking about.

" so your friend went to a party with the person she likes, and this person drunkenly confessed to them? "

" yeah, that's right. "

it went quiet again, so i thought she was trying to think of some advice.

" uh, well personally, i think your friend should see if that confession was sincere. "

" you think i- my friend should? " i excitedly asked.

" you sound so happy for your friend. "

labyrinth; haewonWhere stories live. Discover now