Chapter 18

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Casey's POV

"Date? With who?" James asks as I stare blankly at where Jake had just run off from. I seemed to be frozen ad I blink once. He had seen that. Shit. He wasn't supposed to see that. That was- no it wasn't a date date. It was. I was talking to Betsy about.... About him.

"It wasn't a date." I say and before I go to find Jake, James grabs my arm. I groan and thrown my head. Back if he wanted to leave on time then he needed to leave me alone so I could talk to Jake. I needed to talk to him.

"Who were you with?" He asks and I shake my head slightly before answering.

"Betsy." His eyes widen and he looks around. Then he blinks and drops my arm. I go to move to find Jake and he grabs my arm again. His eyes suggesting something.

"Did you want it to be a date?" I roll my eyes and pull away from him. Then quickly dismiss his calls I hear him sigh and he goes to his room. Grabbing his and Chris's stuff I presume.

I walk to Jakes and my room. I sigh and open the door. I see his phone on the small night stand between out beds and the bathroom door closed. I sighed and went to the door I went to open it and only found it closed. I scowl and knock.

"Jakey let me in." No response.

I sigh and move me head back and forth a bit. I knew he was upset and I hoped he wasn't that upset. That upset that he would-
I stopped and began pounding on the door.

"Jake please! Let me explain! Don't do it mate!" my voice was loud and I didn't know if I could handle this. I finally gave on him letting me in. I then rammed my body int other door. After three times it busted open and I gazed in horror.

Jakes face was white as a ghost and his arm red as a tomato. I yelled out for Tom and Barclay. I heard running and by the time they got there I was on the floor holding him. I ran water over his face and Barclay began crying. Charlie tried to come in but Chris wouldn't let him of Reece in.

Jake.... my best friend. My..... he's.... no. I can't loose him.... I should have.... I should have told him I loved him I should have kisses him and showed him that he's my everything. That he's.... that he's worth more than this.

"We need to go to the hospital." Toms voice is barely a whisper and in a flash James has his phone out. He's stuttering into the phone and then he nods slowly before the line goes dead. He doesn't remove it from his ear and gulps.

"They'll be here in five minutes." He whispers and I try to wipe away tears. I look at Jakes face and it's paler than before. Then I grab his arm. I then put my thumb over where the blood is coming from.

"Casey what-"

"Stopping the flood flow." I say in a stern voice with little emotion. No one says a thing and I continue to do this. I have to let some blood threw or he'll loose his arm. But if I let too much threw he could die. I didn't want either.

"Someone go get the door." I say as I hear a faint knock. Chris rushes off and I'm glad he goes because blood makes Chris a bit... queasy. I flatten Jakes hair once more before I'm quickly pulled away from Jake. I get pulled into the arms of someone but I'm to concerned to notice. I watch as they stick up his arm. Then man then looks up at the other.

"We need blood. We need more than what we brought. Do any of you have O+ blood here?" he asks looking at us. I pull away and nod.

"Yeah. Umm Charlie and I do. But Charlie isn't 18 so he can't donate. I will though." I say with a shaky voice. The parametric looks at me and holds up an needle.

"Are you sure we may need a lot of blood." He says and I nod. He looks around at the boys who nod to him as well. He motions to the chair and I sit. He uses a wipe to clean my arm. Then he jams the needle into my arm. I bite my lip hard. It's for Jake. It for Jake. It's for Jake. Is all I say in my head.

My head hurts and I remember faintly him telling me that I should tell him if it does. But I know he doesn't have enough blood yet. But he does soon and pulls the needle out. Places an gauze on my arm and disappears back into the bathroom. Everything spinning and Barclay comes over to me. He places a hand on my head and I wave him off. He scowls.

"Don't do that. I'm a bit light headed." I whisper and he nods. He then looks down at me in disappointment.

"You should have told them that's not good for your health." I sigh and look up. Then look down as I see he's still crying.

"Yeah and trying to commit suicide isn't good for you too." He nods and places an arm around me.

I catch a glance of Jakes body being carried out and I look down at my arm. I sigh and I smile a bit.

"I'm a part of him now."


This is so perfect I can't!!! How do we feel about Casey's POV?! I LOVE IT!! *singing voice* lol no. Trust me you don't want to hear my sing. I'm tone deaf af.

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Twitter: @carrotqueen459

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