Chapter 4

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2 Days Later (Saturday)

(Brady's POV)
Today is Destiny's birthday and I wanted to do something special for her. I decided to take her to a 5SOS concert since I could easily get free tickets and backstage passes. I'm going to wait till tonight when we're at the arena to tell her that we get to go backstage. I hope she enjoys it. Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton are all like brothers to me considering Luke is my cousin. I haven't seen him since we moved to London about a year seems like forever and I'm glad we're finally going to be able to catch up. The only thing is, is Destiny doesn't know that Luke is my cousin..I'm pretty sure she's gonna flip. It's about 7:00 and the concert starts at 8:00 so I'll text Destiny to tell her that I'll be picking her up in about 15-30 minuets so we can pick up Misha because at concerts like these, traffic is HORRIBLE.

Brady - Hey Destiny I'll pick you up in about 30 minuets! Be ready to rock out!!

Destiny - I will! I promise! I'll be waiting out front!
(Destiny's POV)
I had finished my nice long shower to wash off the day that I had. I got a text from Brady telling me he was picking me up in 30 minuets, by this time I was dressed in my black Vans, a All Time Low shirt and my ripped black jeans. I did my simple makeup routine and put concealer on my scars...I don't want to have to answer to questions like I always end up doing. Brady honks his horn just as I finished doing my hair. "LET US GO GET MISHAAAA." I yell into the air as I run out to his car like a dork.
"LETTUCE GOOO." He yells from the car. I laugh as he replaces "Let us" to "Lettuce".
After picking up Misha we are all in the car screaming the lyrics to Chelsea by The Summer Set.
"CHELSEA CHELSEA TELL ME YOU LOVE MEEEE!!!!!" Misha screams from the back seat of the car. She actually has a gorgeous voice so hearing her sing like this is just fucking funny! I couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm.
Brady finds a perfect parking spot up front and we start walking..
"MY GOD THERE'S ALOT OF PEOPLE." I say as I look around astonished.
"You'll get used to it don't worry.." Brady replied back as we stand in line.
As we walk though security we find out seat in the auditorium..I thought we had pretty good seats until Brady lead us to the VIP section...WTH I CANNOT BELIEVE HE SPENT THIS MUCH MONEY ON ME!!! We all got situated and waited for the concert to start. At this point my heart is racing so hard I feel like I'm going to throw up. Apparently Misha noticed so she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. I'm 5'5 and she stands at 5'8 so I'm kind of her personal shoulder rest.

30 minuets later...
The concert was about 2/4 of the way through and let me tell you they were AMAZING!!! I kept finding myself looking at the tall blond haired boy in the front...there was just something about him that I really liked. I could just tell he was a dork and I hadn't actually met him. The way he scrunched his nose when he sang was so god damn hot, what? I can't help myself! The other boys were gorgeous too. The red haired one seemed to fancy Misha over here.. She kept crying and yelling her head off when he would scream the lyrics from "Social Casualty". I was officially falling for the blond one..I think his name is Luke but I'm not sure. When Luke kept looking over at the VIP section I literally died inside from butterflies. I DON'T EVEN KNOW THE GUY AND IM FALLING FOR HIM! As they took their last bow of the night I found myself not even concerned with Brady at the moment..I felt horrible. I walked up to Brady and hugged him with a sense of passion. He hugged back and we stayed like this for a minuet until he broke it and faced me.
"One last thing."
"Huh?" I was completely confused, what was he talking about?

(Brady's POV)
I had broken the hug Destiny had given me as a kind way of saying thank you. I needed to tell her about Luke and I but I also need to tell her about the backstage passes...I'll just tell her about the passes and let her find out on her own about me and Luke being cousins.
"Weeeee have..." I dramatically paused.
"TELL ME!!! She pleaded. Pwease?" She looked so innocent and cute. Wait what? Did I just think that? Ugh stop it Brady she probably doesn't even like you in that way.
"BACKSTAGE PASSES!!!" I yell over the voices all around us.
"YOU DIDN'T! BRADY OMG YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT WHAT THE HELL!" She looked shocked. So did Misha she was waiting for us against the wall but when I yelled she turned to look at us and almost started crying of joy.
"Come on let's go then!!" Misha ran towards the doors leading backstage. At this point the arena was only 1/4 of way filled because almost everyone had left. We all ran for the door until we got to a man. The man was Dave, the boy's security guard. I gave the girls their passes and we showed it to him.
"Why hello there Brady! Long time!"
The girls looked so confused I almost laughed at Destiny's expression.
"Hey Dave! I'm bringing these girls here to meet the boys!"
"That's awesome! Well here ha go!" He said politely.
"Thanks so much!" Destiny and Misha said at once. They looked so happy. Destiny flashed a smile..I had almost forgot how her teeth and cheeks looked when she's been to long.

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