Chapter 16

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(Destiny's POV)
Misha sat signaling to Luke outside of the hospital room, I wasn't sure why, but at this point I wasn't sure of anything.
"Damn it, I forgot about the concert tonight."
"You have a show! Oh my God! Don't worry about me, get your butts to that stage!" Luke giggled as he walked out of the door.
"I love you." He mouthed popping up a heart with his hands. I smiled and did the same. He left with the boys as Misha walked in. The doctor talked to her and she sat down where Luke had been.
"How are you feeling?" She asked as she hugged me.
"I'm okay I hurt but I'm ok. I want to get out of here."
"That's why I'm here, the doctor said you were free to go but you can't be around anything that was loud and would hurt your head. I'm guessing it's because of the medicine they gave you." I frowned really hoping to go to the concert, what a great way to end the day while everyone else is at prom. I wonder who Brady took, ugh like I care. I shouldn't be thinking about him..he's the last of my concerns.
As soon as we checked out and got into Misha's Jeep we headed straight for Starbucks, typical white girls. We both sucked on our vanilla bean frappuccinos as we thought about what to do. I still had my bloody bandages on and I wasn't allowed to take them off for the next few weeks. I kept getting stares from random people and they asked if we needed help. It was like that the whole night.
The sun had gone down and the stars lit up the night sky. We walked around the mall in search for something to do. I felt completely fine besides the fact that I ached everywhere, I think I could go to the concert.
"Can we PLEASEEE go to the concert!" I had asked about 4 times now and she kept rejecting, why does she have to be a good friend! Gosh dang it!
"Your sure you feel better?" I jumped around and waved my hands like a monkey to show I was my normal dorky self. "Ok then, let's go. But if you start hurting let me know!" She sighed.
"Will do Mish' Mish'" I winked at her failing miserably.
"Don't ever call me that again." Her face was serious but I knew it was fake. We both busted out laughing as be ran back to the car.
We were at the arena that was 2 hours away from where we were. It didn't seem like long but when we got there the show was almost half way through. I didn't mind though, I just wanted to be here for Luke and the beat any dance even prom. We went in the back way which lead to the back stage area. The security knew me personally now and let me though without saying anything to me, I don't think they noticed my arms or they would have asked.
Luke looked to the side for a moment seeing me and Misha. His eyes got huge and a smile plastered across his perfect face.
"This is a new song I wrote about a girl who's very close to my heart, so please enjoy this new song called The Only Reason!" I covered my mouth knowing he was talking about me. They hadn't even started singing and I was already crying.
Michael started the song, his voice was soft. Light.

Don't talk, let me think it over
How we gonna fix this?
How we gonna undo all the pain?
Tell me, is it even worth it?
Looking for a straight line
Taking back the time we can't replace.

Luke started to sing and I held my breath. His voice was beautiful and had a sense of passion inside it.

All the crossed wires,
Just making us tired
Is it too late to bring us back to life?

When I close my eyes and try to sleep
I fall apart, I find it hard to breathe
You're the reason, the only reason
Even though my dizzy head is numb,
I swear my heart is never giving up
You're the reason, the only reason.

The words started to hit me hard as Calum and Ashton began to sing, if Luke had written this song it defiantly described me.

I feel you burning under my skin
I swear I see you shining
Brighter than the flame inside your eyes.

Bitter words spoken,
Everything broken
It's never too late to bring us back to life?

The music was soft but yet had a rock side to it. My heat sunk into the words of the song. It gave me feelings I had never felt before. Suddenly everything was gone. All it was was me and the music. I listened till the end of the song. I happily smiled as tears ran down my face.
Luke came running towards me and picked me up by my waist. He spun me around making my heart flutter. He wrapped me in a hug and faced me. Our lips touched as we held each other. His lips were soft and pure against mine. He kept going so I played along. I ran my fingers through his perfect blond quiff and and tugged it a bit. His hands were on my waist leaning me against him. It was the perfect moment until my phone buzzed multiple times. We separated as a looked down to it. My Twitter an Instagram notifications were blowing up my phone. They were all about prom. Luke looked down to my phone and saw one of the captions.
"Your kidding right? You never told me it was prom night! You cannot miss that!" I blushed and instantly looked away.
"I didn't think it was important, you were more important."
"Destiny, this is the one night you can be free! It's your last day as a senior enjoy it!"
"And your telling me this because..?"
"We're crashing that prom." He smirked as he took my hand and raced me out the door and into a taxi. This boy and his devious plans, what can go wrong?!
We both jumped out of the car and ran up the steps and slammed into the doors opening them widely. We ran into the gym, Luke leading. There were streamers and balloons everywhere. They were sprawled out in the hallway too. We hadn't even walked in and we saw at least 4 couple hanging all over each other. Luke looked disgusted, which I liked. It make me realize that he didn't like that stuff.. Just like me. As we walked in they were playing the last song of the night. We were just in time for one dance together.
"My lady." Luke bent over and stuck his hand out. I took it and he placed his hands on my waist as I wrapped my bloody wrapped arms around his shoulders. I didn't realize we were standing in the middle of the staring crowd until I opened my eyes as the song started playing. It was one of my favorites, one I would listen to that would make my cry over and over.
"Here's the last song of the night, Penguin by Christina Perri." The DJ announced to everyone in the room. It was quite funny considering Luke's favorite animal was a penguin and I considered him as my own personal 6'4 penguin. He smiled to the lyrics.

Can you find the time to let your lover love you?
He only wants to show you
The things he wants to learn too
The hardest parts you'll get through
And in the end you'll have your best friend

Love like this may come once
Baby it's fate
Like a soul mate, he's your penguin
Baby it's fate
Baby it's fate
Not luck

I sang along which made Luke laugh. As I looked up from his shoulder I could see people staring. The looked at my arms, my legs, Luke. They looked us both over some in disgust and some of jealousy. We danced in our band t-shirts,converse, and messy hair but right now it didn't matter what they thought like it always did before. From this day forward I would never have to see their ugly faggot faces again. I could be me. I could be with the boy I wanted. This was our time to enjoy ourselves, this was our time to be happy.
"This should be our song." He whispered softly into my ear.
" should." I say smiling.
"Forever and always?" There was a long silence, a good silence.

"Forever and always." I said as we separated and walked out of the gym, fading into the night sky.

What this boy has done to me is something I'll never forget.. Something I'll never want to forget.

Luke Robert Hemmings is the boy who changed me. The one who changed my life.. Forever

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