Chapter 7

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(Destiny's POV)
We were now sitting in a taxi going to Bruscos' Pizza to eat dinner. The boys invited us so why not come! The whole rest of the time was pretty awkward between Luke and I. I could tell we both wanted to talk to each other but we never got the chance.
The taxi driver dropped us off and Ashton payed. All seven of us walked in and found a table. I tried ordering but as I did Luke and I ended up talking at the same time ordering the same thing. We kept laughing at each other the whole time as he got pizza sauce on his nose, what a cutie. Misha and Michael were flirting with each other the whole time and we all made fun of them. He would start talking "pizza expert" and all she would do was crack up and die laughing. He kept defending how Hawaiian pizza is the best but Ashton would fight back saying Pepperoni was, these boys are sure something let me tell you!
After eating everyone walked out so being the follower that I am I followed them until a warm hand landed on my shoulder and softly pulled me around. It was Luke.
"Huh?" I ask him. I wanted to know what he was thinking about. He hesitated.
"Umm..never mind.." He looked away and head toward the door.
"Wait! Luke, can I ask you something?"
"Uh..sure I guess." He looked slightly uncomfortable..did I do something?
"Well..I was wondering..umm- why did you hug me after I sang?" He looked at me and his face softened.
"I guess I felt were so passionate when you sang..I meant it as a kind gesture. Your very huggable by the way." He giggles and I can see his deep dimples again. This boy couldn't be more perfect. I smile at him meaning that I got it.
"And you want to stay over tonight? Maybe watch some movies or something?" Luke Hemmings of 5 seconds of summer just asked me to come over to his room. Welp this is new! I never get asked anywhere. I'm usually the last person anyone would ask to come over. I hesitate for a moment but answer.
"That would be amazing!" I smile at him looking into his crystal blue eyes..I find myself getting lost in the icy ocean that his eyes preserve. I snap out of it once I see him widely smiling back a me flashing his gorgeous white teeth.
The rest of the group were still waiting for us out front but we tell Misha and Brady that I'm taking the taxi with the boys, they get in a separate one before us to go get Brady's car at the arena. Brady hasn't talked to me since the talk we had about Luke being his cousin earlier that night. I see Michael nudge Luke's shoulder and wink at him. Oh God.
"I think Luke has taken a liking to you Destiny, he never invites girls over. Anywhere." Ashton says looking over to me as we're still waiting for the slow taxi service.
"Is that so?" I say turning my head to face him.
"Yup!" Calum says happily. He's like a little puppy, it's quite adorable.
We get back to the boys hotel that they're going to be staying in for the next two weeks when the tour ends. I drag my body up two flights of stairs because the damn elevator was broken. The boys dispersed into their hotel rooms and leave me and Luke alone. It didn't feel awkward at all, even though we were now alone. He unlocks his door and we walk in. The room smells like his cologne...the cologne I smelt when we hugged. He presented the room to me by sticking is left arm out.
"Welcome to your home for the next twenty-four hours!" He says excitedly.
"Woohoo!!" I reply. I quickly text my mom that I'm staying with Misha for the night. SHHHH don't tell! ;) I put my phone and purse down on his side table and sit down on the bed. He goes into the bathroom and comes out 10 minutes later with sweat pants and his jumper on..he's so fucking adorable! He looks at me and heads back into the bathroom. I think nothing of it until he comes back with a pile of clothes.
"Here I got you some comfy clothes!" He attempts to wink but his face just looks awkward. I laugh at him and attempt to wink back because I can't either. We're both laughing at each other as I walk to the bathroom to put my clothes on. I come out and he's on his bed looking at his phone..probably tweeting. He looks me up and down and starts giggling making his nose scrunch up and eyes squint. The arms of the jumper he gave me were ten times longer than my arms and the sweat pants go way past my feet.
"I'm drowning in clothes!!" I playfully tell him. He continues to laugh until he starts to hiccup. I laugh at his reaction and hold my stomach as it starts to ache.
"Your (hic) so (hic) fucking (hic) adorable!" He looks at me realizing what he just said and tries to play cool.
"Why thank you kind sir." I say taking a bow in my baggy clothes. He turns on the TV and clicks on the Netflix icon.
"NETFLIXXX!!!!" I practically scream.
"What should be watch?"
"Hmmm" I think whether we should watch a horror movie or chick-flick. I go with a horror movie so maybe it can lead to him wrapping me up next to him again. He picks one that I haven't seen before. Apparently he hasn't either so we can be scared together.
"WAIT-let's make a fort!!" Luke is like a child, why I'm falling for him I don't know.

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