Chapter 6

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(Luke's POV)
As we finished the show we remembered we had special guests to meet. We all forgot and are probably a little late,oh well. We all piled in the little room that had been prepared for us for the next 2 shows. As I walked in a couldn't help but notice a girl right beside my cousin? Is he the "special guest"? The girl had blond was really long, but I couldn't see her face. I wanted to introduce myself but Mikey beat me to it.
"Hey guys I'm Michael, if you didn't know. And this is Luke, Calum, and Ashton." He pointed at all three of us sitting on the couch. I had already seen Brady but he hadn't seen me yet, so I decided to do a cousin introduction.
"BRADYYYYY!!!" I yelled running over to him to hug him.
"LUCASSSS!!!!" He yelled back as he accepted the hug.
We all are now sitting on the couch thinking of what to do because we have all night since me and the boys and staying here for the next 2 1/2 weeks.
I can now see the girl I saw when I walked in.. she was beautiful. I instantly looked down to see her arms... her scared arms. I immediately wanted to show affection to her, which is super strange for me. She looked at Brady and me and excused herself so they could talk in private. What was that? They came back in with smiles on their faces, I look at her and blush. WHY LUKE WHY, DONT BLUSH. She didn't look in my direction so I controlled my burning cheeks. Her smile lit up the room, she looked happy.

Calum noticed my face and asked my question for me.
"What was that?" He asks calmly.
"Oh nothing, just sorting out some things." She looked in my direction and and blushes slightly. She immediately looks back to Calum and sits down once again.
I attempt to lighten the mood my suggesting to sing.
"Why don't we sing something for you guys?" I ask
"Sure why not!" The brown haired girl asked. I could see Michael looking towards her direction in awe. That boy let me tell you, he'll fall for any girl!
"Yeah! Let's do this poo!" Destiny days smiling and raising her hands up. I couldn't stop myself from laugh, what a gorgeous dork she is.
"Anyone know a song?" Brady asks from the other couch.
"Wait didn't Destiny just write a new song?" I'm guessing she's Destiny's friend.
"Umm..I don't know.." Her face heated up.
"Oh come on PLEASEEE." Misha begs
"FINE WHATEVER" She gives in.
She's in the middle of a song she wrote herself. It was called "Wherever You Are". She was so passionate when she sung and it gave me feelings I can't explain. I could see her eyes tear up and her face looked flushed. When she finished the song I felt the need to do something. She was amazing. Without controlling myself I got up and wrapped my arms around her small body. She fit like a puzzle piece next to me. It felt felt right.

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