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Chapter Seven


Today was the carnival in the city. My friends and I wanted to go. I knew that Fez was there too, selling drúgs and Pretzels, but these as a cover.
I met with Kat, Jules was with us, we got ready separately and then met there. I was late and hurried down the stairs of my house.
"I'm going on the carnival." I shouted.

"Hold on." Mum stopped me. "I haven't seen you in a good time. Where were you? I only heard you coming in late."


"Still Fez ? I think he's not good for you, he's a drug dealer."

"He is my best friend! But how do you know about what he's doing?"

"Dad told me..."

"How does he know?"

Mum went quiet.


"When you were on a school trip a few years ago we bought weed."

I laughed. "Okay."

"Are you taking drugs?"

"I'm not taking drugs."

"After that party you smelled like weed."

"Just weed." I rolled my eyes.

My mum scoffed.

"You just told me that you smoked yourself so don't judge me."

She sighed.

I nodded. "Fez is my best friend mum."

"I still don't think its right..."

"He's the person I talk about everything mum, he's so important to me... Anyways. Where is dad?" I tried to change the topic. I knew that Fez was a drug dealer wasn't a good impression.

"Not here."


"I don't know."

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrows.

"He's not here for a reason."

"What the fuck mum?"

"Don't curse at me!" Mum punched the table. I flinched. I wanted to leave immediately, she was getting aggressive again.

"Mum, I just want to know where he is, he's my dad."

"He's not home."

I took a deep breath trying not to explode. "Did he rent a room? Or what?!"

"Yes. He's not sleeping here."

"What?! You must be kidding me! Just get a divorce already! You've been fighting none stop!" I couldn't stop myself. "Oh! That's also why I'm barely here. I can't fucking take it anymore."

"But we love each other."

"That's so toxic. You fight every day. Do everyone and yourself a favour and divorce."


"No... I'm going now." I walked out and shut the door loud behind me.


I took the bus to the carnival. I was half an hour late and I couldn't fin Kat and Jules. "Where are you?" I called Kat. "I'm at the entry... okay hurry." I sighed. I was already late and Kat and Jules even later.

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