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Chapter Thirteen


The next day I slept in. Luckily Ash was already in bed when I came back yesterday. I couldn't fall asleep, everything that happened kept replaying in my head.
Somewhere around 5am I woke up, I didn't remember falling asleep, it was a weird sleep and I felt terrible.

"Fez, bro?" Ash knocked against my door. "Its 12. Are you okay?"

"I'm not feeling so well." I mumbled.

"Okay?" Ash sighed. He knew it wasn't typical for me to stay in my room even though I felt bad. "Want to talk?"

"Nah, all good, bruh." I mumbled, I didn't look up, I stayed hidden in the covers.

Ash didn't leave. He closer the door and came to me in bed.
"What are you doing, man?" I groaned.

"Be there for you. When you're don't want to talk, fine. But I won't let you suffer alone."

I sighed but was grateful.

After a long time I finally spoke.
"It's Lily. We had a really bad fight. Like really bad."

He didn't say anything.

"I really fucked it up, Ash. I think I've lost her. I hurt her so bad."

"What did you do?"

"Uhm... you know man... like its really weird between us since like... it happened."


"And I don't how to act now. I just can't look at her without thinking about how bad I want to
tell her what I feel." I made a long break. "I have fucking feelings for her. I love her, Ash."

"I know I'm not fucking blind."

I groaned. "Fuck, Ash..."

"What happened yesterday?"

I sighed. "I was mad... no I hate to say it but I was jealous. Of Tyler, the guy she went to prom with, I don't know if something happened but they get along super well. Also I'm still a bit off track because what happened with Mouse. I wanted to tell her but I can't, I can't put her in danger, I wanted to keep her safe. So I tried not to tell her but that kinda made me to get out of her way and she got confused. I get it. I didn't speak to her and was ignoring her and being very distant. I don't know man..."

"You need to talk to her."

"I know but she's not answering me."

"Give her time."

"It's fucking hard."

Ash sighed. "Isn't she on Christmas at her aunt's. Try to talk to her before that."

I nodded. "Yeah..."


It was a few days after. Lily and I still didn't talk, she didn't answer me and I didn't text her but now it was two days before Christmas and I was getting more and more anxious.
I was in the shop, a customer just left and I decided to call her.

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