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Chapter Fifteen


"I'm really fucking sorry."  Fez mumbled into my hair.

"I don't want to have anything to do with your drug shit..." I said.

"It was stupid. I'm sorry." He said and touched my shoulders while we looked at each other when he got out of our hug. "I never gonna put you in that situation again."

I nodded. Again we looked at each other. We always just looked at each other not saying anything but just with our eyes we said enough.
Kiss him. The thought when through my mind. No! Don't.

"You look very pretty." He blurred out.

"Thank you." I said quiet, my voice didn't want to come out.

"That shirt is nice." He said again.

I gazed at the mirror.

Fez hand came to my face and turned it to look at him. What we were doing was very unfriend like. I felt my heart pounding in my chest as his eyes flickered over my face, down to my lips. His thumb touched the bottom of my lip.

We flinched away when someone knocked on my rooms door. "Yo... eh could I also freshen up a little?" Rue stood in front of my door.

"Uh..." I made and gazed at Fez who stepped away from me and now stood awkwardly in the room. Rue opened the door.

"Oh so you're going?" I smiled.


"Good. Come on." I pulled Rue in. She looked between me and Fez.

"Uh I'm going back to the car." He mumbled and walked fast out.

"Did I interrupted you with anything?" Rue looked at me when he was gone.

"What? No." I nervously asked. "What would've you interrupted?"

"I don't know. It was so quiet. And I can see how you look at each other, Lil, I'm not blind."

"No. There is nothing." I mumbled and bit my lip.

I helped Rue to get a bit more ready. She didn't want to do much and after 10 minutes we were done.
We walked back to Fez's car and drove to the party.

"Yo, Lil. I'm gonna do my stuff with Ash and you can go to your friends alright?" Fez spoke to me before we went in, he held my arm and pulled me close.

I looked up at him, our eyes met and we looked long at each other before I said something. I still had the moment from my bedroom in mind.

"Good. See you." He nodded and we separated.

I took Rue's arm and we walked inside. Rue was constantly looking around nervously.
"She's not here yet." I told her, referring to Jules.

"I know but I'm fucking paranoid." She mumbled and looked outside. "Shit."

I also looked outside. Jules was coming with Maddy and Kat. "Should I stay with you?"

"Nah. I'll go to the bathroom." Rue said and was fast gone. 

"Lily?!" I heard when I walked down the stairs. Lexi was looking for me.

"Hi! Ohh I love your top."

"Thanks." She smiled. "Uhm, have you seen Cassie?"

"No not yet... weren't you with her?"

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